{"created":"2023-06-19T07:19:20.673624+00:00","id":5387,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"8ea78b87-230b-4e9b-a553-8c9cd768d772"},"_deposit":{"created_by":4,"id":"5387","owners":[4],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"5387"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005387","sets":["370:15:391"]},"author_link":["23091"],"item_10006_date_granted_11":{"attribute_name":"学位授与年月日","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dategranted":"2020-03-15"}]},"item_10006_degree_grantor_9":{"attribute_name":"学位授与機関","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreegrantor":[{"subitem_degreegrantor_name":"麻布大学"}],"subitem_degreegrantor_identifier":[{"subitem_degreegrantor_identifier_name":"32701","subitem_degreegrantor_identifier_scheme":"kakenhi"}]}]},"item_10006_degree_name_8":{"attribute_name":"学位名","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreename":"博士(獣医学)"}]},"item_10006_description_22":{"attribute_name":"Abstract","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"Introduction\nAnimal aging is progressing due to the development of veterinary medicine. In the aging human society, the control of senile brain diseases, among which Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a representative, has become an important issue. Various brain lesions are also known to occur with aging in companion animals; however, the details about their pathophysiology and pathogenesis are unknown. Cognitive dysfunction syndromes seen in aged dogs and cats also reportedly have differing pathological lesions. In this manner, age-related lesions in the brains of animals may be characterized by species. In this study, the aim was to comparatively pathologically search the brains of individual aged animals from various animal species.\n\nChapter 1. Pathological search of brain lesions in aged animals\nA pathological search was carried out on cerebral formalin-fixed specimens from 155 mammals from 8 species and 28 families and 27 birds wherein the animals died at ages judged to be elderly for each species. Although in many of the animals there were no morphological changes classified as specific diseases, there were some in the suborder of canines (Caniformia) and primates in whom senile plaque-like eosinophilic homogenous unstructured deposits found in AD in humans were observed. Amyloid beta (Aβ) deposition, a hallmark lesion of AD, reportedly also occurs in the cerebrum of advanced age animals in various forms. In the present study, although only a small number was seen, senile plaque-like structures seemingly from amyloid deposits in aged canines and squirrel monkeys were observed. Conversely, no senile plaque-like structures were found in animals of the same carnivorous order in the feline (Feliformia) suborder. Additionally, amyloid depositions to the blood vessel wall were also observed in dogs, monkeys and parakeets, and cerebral hemorrhage was seen in squirrel monkeys and parakeets. These results suggest that there may be a characteristic pattern of Aβ deposition in animal species.\nAs a specific disease, porencephaly was observed in a fennec fox, and tauopathy was observed in a domestic cat in 1 animal each. Porencephaly frequently occurs in cows and sheep and is a rare disease in other animals, and this study is the first report of its observation in a fennec fox. In the domestic cat, age-related lesions similar to Alzheimer's disease have been reported, characterized by the deposition of 3R tau/4R tau-type phosphorylated tau within neuronal cells and neurofibrillary tangles in the hippocampus. Although 3R tau/4R tau-type phosphorylated tau was also deposited in the tauopathy of domestic cats in this study, neurofibrillary tangles were widely distributed not only in the hippocampus but also in the cerebral cortex and midbrain. Additionally, the deposition of phosphorylated tau was found not only in neurons but also in microglia and some oligodendroglia. From the aforementioned pathological findings, a diagnosis of non-Alzheimer type tauopathy that has not been reported in the past in domestic cats was given.\n\nChapter 2. Search for Aβ and hyperphosphorylated tau accumulation in the brain of advanced age animals\nIn Chapter 1, it was suggested that there might be a characteristic pattern of Aβ deposition in animal species. In humans, Aβ deposition is considered to be a lesion associated with AD. Thus, age-related lesions similar to that observed in AD (Aβ deposition, phosphorylated tau accumulation, and neurofibrillary tangles) in each animal species were comparatively analyzed by immunological and special staining of the animals evaluated in Chapter 1. The amount and sites of deposition of Aβ varied among species. Aβ deposition was not observed in rodents, lagomorphs, perissodactyls, diprotodontia, chiroptera, and most bird species, and was frequently observed in carnivores (17 species, 88 animals) and primates (8 species, 18 animals) (as well as in 2 animals in 2 other species). The primate order was found to have predominantly vascular wall Aβ deposition (CAA), and the deposition morphology in brain parenchyma varied according to suborder or species. The carnivorous order had differing characteristics in each suborder and, in the canine suborder, diffuse spots with unclear boundaries from surrounding areas and CAA were mainly observed, as well as depositions that differed in each species, while in the feline suborder, only diffuse deposition of Aβ was observed except for 1 animal in 1 species. In the feline suborder, deposited Aβ were not stained with diazo stain for argentaffin granules and was negative for Congo red staining, suggesting that they do not form amyloid fibrils. Neurofibrillary tangles in the hippocampus were observed only in 6 animals in the 2 species of domestic cat and cheetah in the feline suborder. Accumulation of phosphorylated tau was observed in 25 animals in 7 species that were positive for deposition of Aβ. In the feline suborder, accumulation of phosphorylated tau was frequently observed in 21 animals in 3 species, i.e., domestic cats, cheetahs, and pumas.\nFrom the aforementioned results, it became clear that animal species differences existed in age-related lesions that were similar to AD. In particular, in domestic cats and cheetahs, age-related lesions similar to those in all ADs were found, with deposition of Aβ, phosphorylated tau accumulation, and neurofibrillary tangles, suggesting the presence of AD-like pathologies similar to humans.\n\nChapter 3. Analysis of animal Aβ Amino acid sequences and amyloid fibril formation\nIn Chapter 2, it was suggested that the deposition of Aβ in the feline suborder did not form amyloid fibrils. The amino acid sequence that determines the secondary structure of Aβ is reportedly important for the formation of amyloid fibrils. Thus, the amino acid sequence in the feline suborder is considered different from that of other species. Therefore, in this chapter, the aim was to clarify the sequence of the Aβ coding region of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene and the amyloid fibrogenicity of each Aβ in various animal species, including the feline suborder. Gene sequences in the Aβ region were highly conserved among species and were similar to humans in many animal species, but differed partly from humans only in the feline suborder. Human and feline suborders differed in amino acids at residue 7 of the APP gene-encoded Aβ. In human Aβ the amino acid was Asp and in the feline suborder Aβ it was Glu. Synthetic peptides of human Aβ and feline suborder Aβ were generated, and amyloid fibrogenicity was compared using a thioflavin assay in vitro. The Aβ of the feline suborder showed predominantly lower fibrogenicity compared to human Aβ. Additionally, the ultra-fine morphology of the formed fibers was also different, and the human Aβ consisted of many long and elongated fibers about 12 nm in width forming intertwined aggregates, whereas short fibers of about 19 nm in width were sporadically seen in the feline suborder Aβ, and the formation of aggregates was slight. These results indicated that the amyloid fibril formation of Aβ is remarkably low in the feline suborder, because the amino acid of the 7th residue is Glu.\nThe site of deposition of Aβ in domestic cats was observed by immuno-scanning electron microscopy, and coarse and short fibers were independently present. Conversely, in canines with the same sequence as humans, elongated Aβ fibers were deposited in a manner that aggregated and spread to the surrounding area. The difference in the aggregation properties of Aβ shown in vitro is considered to influence the difference in deposition morphology.\n\nChapter 4. Search for tau phosphorylation-related factors in felines\nNeurofibrillary tangles were found only in the domestic cats and cheetah families in the feline suborder, despite the common morphologies of deposition and sequence of Aβ amino acids. The accumulation of phosphorylated tau is also highly prevalent in these animals, but there was no accumulation of phosphorylated tau in lions or tigers belonging to the same feline family. Neurofibrillary tangles reportedly arise from the release from microtubules through phosphorylation of tau, a microtubule-associated protein, and there may be species differences in the process by which phosphorylated tau accumulates among feline suborders. Thus, a comparative analysis of the expression isoforms affecting phosphorylation and microtubule binding and the expression of GSK-3β, a phosphoenzyme of tau, in the feline suborder was performed. Total proteins extracted from the brains of advanced age domestic cats with and without accumulation of phosphorylated tau and neurofibrillary tangles, and aged lions with and without Aβ deposition were analyzed by Western blot using antibodies against the isoforms 3R tau and 4R tau. As a result, signals corresponding to the sizes of 3R tau and 4R tau in domestic cats and aged lions were detected. Signals of 3R tau were higher than 4R tau in domestic cats, and the findings were vice versa in lions. 3R reportedly has properties that are more prone to release from microtubule binding than 4R tau. From this finding, more phosphorylated tau was considered to have been liberated from microtubules in cells of domestic cats in comparison to lions, leading to neurofibrillary tangles. Immunostaining for the expression of the phosphorylation enzyme of tau, GSK-3, led to findings of it being diffusely expressed in neurons in the hippocampi of domestic cats, cheetahs, and pumas, confirming its colocalization with phosphorylated tau in some neurons. However, differences correlated with the degree of accumulation of phosphorylated tau were not found when activated GSK-3β was detected by Western blot; thus, its participation in the phosphorylation of tau was not clarified.\n\nDiscussion\nThe brains of aged animals of various species were analyzed and Aβ deposition was shown to be highly prevalent in the carnivorous and primate orders, and its deposition morphology and distribution shown to differ among species. Particularly in the feline suborder, the deposition of Aβ without amyloid fibrils was observed, and characteristic phosphorylated tau accumulation and neurofibrillary tangles, which resembled AD, were observed in domestic cats and cheetahs. This study showed that Aβ in the feline suborder was associated with low amyloid fibril formation, and the thought is that the properties of Aβ affected the difference in deposition morphology. In AD, amyloidization of Aβ is important in the pathogenesis. However, phosphorylated tau accumulation and neurofibrillary tangles, which are similar to AD age-related lesions, were observed in the absence of amyloid fibril formation in domestic cats and cheetahs, suggesting a pathogenesis not mediated by amyloidogenesis. However, when the expression isoforms of tau in lions exhibiting the same Aβ deposition as domestic cats and no accumulation of phosphorylated tau were compared, it was found that domestic cats expressed a higher amount of the isoform 3R tau, which is prone to release from microtubules. These results suggest that there is freer phosphorylated tau in the neural cells of domestic cats than lions, which may contribute to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. Thus, this study suggests that AD-like age-related lesions found in feline suborder animals have a different pathogenesis from AD.","subitem_description_type":"Other"}]},"item_10006_description_7":{"attribute_name":"抄録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"緒言\n 獣医療の発達により動物の高齢化が進んでいる。ヒトでは高齢化社会において、アルツハイマー病(AD)を代表とする老齢性脳疾患の制御が重要な課題となっている。伴侶動物においても、加齢に伴い様々な脳病変が生じることが知られているが、その病態や発生機序について詳細は不明である。また、高齢なイヌとネコでみられる認知機能不全症候群は、それぞれ病理学的にみられる病変が異なる事が報告されている。このように動物の脳の加齢性病変は、種によりそれぞれに特徴的な変化が生じている可能性がある。本研究では、様々な動物種における高齢個体の脳について、比較病理学的に検索することを目的とした。\n\n第1章 高齢動物の脳病変の病理学的検索\n 哺乳類8目28科および鳥類の各動物種の高齢と判断された年齢で斃死した症例について、哺乳類155例、鳥類27例の大脳ホルマリン固定材料を対象に病理学的検索を行った。多くの症例では特定の疾患に分類される形態学的変化は認められなかったが、イヌ亜目と霊長目の動物においてヒトのADで認められる老人斑様の好酸性均質無構造な沈着物を認める症例が存在した。ADの特徴病変であるアミロイドβ(Aβ)沈着が高齢動物の大脳にも様々な形態で生じていることが報告されている。本研究においても、高齢のイヌとリスザルに少数であるがアミロイドからなる老人斑様の構造を認めた。一方で、同じ食肉目であるネコ亜目の動物には老人斑様構造は認められなかった。また、イヌ、サル、インコで血管壁へのアミロイド沈着も認め、リスザルとインコでは脳出血が生じていた。以上の結果より動物種に特徴的なAβ沈着の様式が存在する可能性が示唆された。\n 特定の疾患として、フェネックで孔脳症、イエネコでタウオパチーを1症例ずつ認めた。孔脳症は牛や羊に発生することが多く、他の動物では稀な疾患であり、フェネックでは本研究が初の報告である。イエネコでは加齢性に、神経細胞内の3Rタウ/4Rタウ型リン酸化タウの沈着と海馬における神経原線維変化を特徴とするアルツハイマー病に類似した病変が報告されている。本研究で明らかにしたイエネコのタウオパチーにも3Rタウ/4Rタウ型リン酸化タウが沈着していたが、神経原線維変化は海馬だけでなく、大脳皮質、中脳の広範囲に分布していた。また、リン酸化タウの沈着は神経細胞だけでなく、ミクログリアと一部のオリゴデンドログリアにも認められた。以上の病理所見より、イエネコでは過去に報告のない非アルツハイマー型のタウオパチーと診断した。\n\n第2章 高齢動物の脳のAβおよび高リン酸化タウ蓄積の検索\n 第1章において、動物種に特徴的なAβ沈着の様式が存在する可能性が示唆された。ヒトではAβ沈着はADに関連した病変と考えられている。そこで、第1章で検索した症例を対象に、各動物種のAD 類似の加齢性病変(Aβ沈着・リン酸化タウ蓄積・神経原線維変化)について免疫・特殊染色にて比較解析した。Aβ沈着の量と沈着部位は種により異なっていた。Aβ沈着は齧歯目、ウサギ目、奇蹄目、双前歯目、翼手目及びほとんどの鳥類では認められず、食肉目(17種88例)・霊長目(8種18例)で高頻度に観察された(その他2種2例)。霊長目は血管壁のAβ沈着(CAA)を主体に認め、脳実質の沈着形態は亜目あるいは種によって異なっていた。食肉目は亜目ごとに特徴があり、イヌ亜目では、CAA及び周囲との境界が不明瞭なび漫斑を主体に、種ごとに異なる沈着がみられる一方、ネコ亜目では1種1例を除き、び漫性のAβ沈着のみ認めた。ネコ亜目では沈着Aβは嗜銀性を示さず、Congo Red染色陰性であり、アミロイド線維を形成していないことが示唆された。海馬における神経原線維変化はネコ亜目であるイエネコとチーターの2種6例でのみ認めた。リン酸化タウの蓄積はAβ沈着陽性であった7種25例に認めた。ネコ亜目では、イエネコ、チーター、ピューマの3種21例で高頻度にリン酸化タウの蓄積が観察された。\n 以上の結果より、AD類似の加齢性病変には動物種差が存在することが明らかとなった。特にイエネコとチーターではAβ沈着、リン酸化タウ蓄積、神経原線維変化と全てのAD類似の加齢性病変が認められ、ヒトのAD類似の病態の存在が示唆された。\n\n第3章 動物のAβアミノ酸配列及びアミロイド線維形成性の解析\n 第2章で、ネコ亜目のAβ沈着はアミロイド線維を形成していないことが示唆された。アミロイド線維の形成にはAβの二次構造を決定するアミノ酸配列が重要であることが報告されている。そのためネコ亜目のAβのアミノ酸配列が他種と異なることが考えられる。そこで本章では、ネコ亜目を含む様々な動物種のアミロイド前駆蛋白(APP)遺伝子のAβコード領域の配列と各Aβのアミロイド線維形成性を明らかにすることを目的とした。Aβ領域の遺伝子配列は種間の保存性が高く、多くの動物種でヒトと共通であったが、ネコ亜目でのみヒトと一部異なっていた。ヒトとネコ亜目ではAPP遺伝子にコードされているAβの7残基目のアミノ酸が異なっており、ヒトAβはAsp、ネコ亜目AβはGluであった。ヒトAβとネコ亜目Aβの合成ペプチドを作成し、in vitroでアミロイド線維形成性を用いて比較したところ、ネコ亜目のAβはヒトAβと比較して有意に低い線維形成性を示した。また、形成された線維の超微形態も異なっており、ヒトAβは幅約12nmの長く伸長した線維が絡み合った凝集物を多数形成するのに対し、ネコ亜目Aβは幅約19nmの短い線維が散見され、凝集物の形成は僅かであった。これらの結果から、7残基目のアミノ酸がGluであることにより、ネコ亜目のAβのアミロイド線維形成性は著しく低いことが示された。\n イエネコのAβ沈着部位を免疫走査型電子顕微鏡で観察したところ、粗で短い線維が独立して存在していた。一方、ヒトと同じAβ配列を有するイヌでは、伸長したAβ線維が凝集して周囲へ広がる様に沈着していた。in vitroで示されたAβの凝集性の違いが沈着形態の違いに影響していると考えられる。\n\n第4章 ネコ科動物におけるタウのリン酸化関連因子の検索\n Aβ沈着形態及びAβアミノ酸配列はネコ亜目で共通するにもかかわらず、神経原線維変化はネコ科のイエネコとチーターにのみ認められた。これらの動物ではリン酸化タウの蓄積も高頻度に生じているが、同じネコ科に属するライオンやトラではリン酸化タウの蓄積はみられなかった。神経原線維変化は微小管結合タンパク質であるタウがリン酸化をうけ微小管から遊離することが起点となって生じることが報告されており、ネコ亜目間ではリン酸化タウが蓄積する過程に種差が考えられる。そこでネコ科を対象に、リン酸化および微小管結合に影響する発現アイソフォームおよびタウのリン酸化酵素であるGSK3βの発現を比較解析した。リン酸化タウの蓄積と神経原線維変化がみられた高齢のイエネコと病変のないイエネコ、Aβ沈着がみられた高齢のライオンと病変のないライオンの脳から抽出した総タンパク質を、タウのアイソフォーム3Rタウと4Rタウに対する抗体を用いたウェスタンブロットで解析した。その結果、イエネコと高齢のライオンで3Rと4Rタウに相当するサイズにシグナルを検出した。イエネコでは4Rより3Rタウのシグナルが高く、ライオンではその逆であった。3Rは4Rタウより微小管結合から遊離しやすい性質をもつことが報告されている。そのことから、ライオンと比較し、イエネコでは微小管から遊離したリン酸化タウが細胞内に多量に存在し、神経原線維変化へ至ることが考察された。タウのリン酸化酵素であるGSK3βの発現を免疫染色で観察したところ、イエネコ、チーター、ピューマの海馬においてび漫性に神経細胞に発現しており、一部の神経細胞にリン酸化タウとの共局在が確認された。しかし、ウェスタンブロットで活性化型GSK3βを検出したところ、リン酸化タウの蓄積の程度と相関した差は認められなかったことから、タウのリン酸化への関与は明らかにされなかった。\n\n考察\n 様々な種の高齢動物の脳を解析し、Aβ沈着は食肉目と霊長目で高頻度にみられ、その沈着形態や分布には種によって異なることを示した。特にネコ亜目ではアミロイド線維を伴わないAβ沈着が生じ、イエネコとチーターにADに類似する特徴的なリン酸化タウ蓄積と神経原線維変化が生じていた。本研究でネコ亜目のAβはアミロイド線維形成性が低いことが示され、Aβの性状が沈着形態の違いに影響していると考えられる。ADではAβのアミロイド化が病理発生に重要とされている。しかし、イエネコとチーターではアミロイド線維の形成が無いにもかかわらず、AD類似の加齢性病変であるリン酸化タウ蓄積と神経原線維変化が生じており、アミロイド形成を介さない病理発生機序が示唆された。だが、イエネコと同様のAβ沈着を呈しリン酸化タウの蓄積がないライオンにおけるタウの発現アイソフォームを比較したところ、イエネコでは微小管から遊離しやすいアイソフォームのタウ(3Rタウ)を多く発現していた。これより、イエネコの神経細胞内には、ライオンより遊離したリン酸化タウが多く存在し、それが神経原線維変化の形成に寄与する可能性が示唆された。以上より、本研究ではネコ亜目動物でみられるAD類似の加齢性病変は、ADとは異なる発生機序があることを示唆した。","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"}]},"item_10006_dissertation_number_12":{"attribute_name":"学位授与番号","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dissertationnumber":"甲第163号"}]},"item_10006_textarea_23":{"attribute_name":"Rights","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_textarea_value":"本論文の一部は以下のとおり公表されている。(Part of this dissertation has been published as follows.)\nYamazaki M., Yoshimoto S., Ishikawa T., Une Y : Porencephaly in a fennec fox (Vulpes zerda). Journal of Veterinary Medical Science.78(11):1749-751, 2016\n"}]},"item_10006_version_type_18":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85","subitem_version_type":"VoR"}]},"item_access_right":{"attribute_name":"アクセス権","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_access_right":"open access","subitem_access_right_uri":"http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"山﨑, 睦美"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2020-05-08"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"diss_dv_kou0163.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"141.1 MB"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"diss_dv_kou0163","url":"https://az.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/5387/files/diss_dv_kou0163.pdf"},"version_id":"a310c23c-4c30-4e00-8bac-5bb687a112a5"},{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2020-05-08"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"diss_dv_kou0163_jab&rev.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"194.1 kB"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"diss_dv_kou0163_jab&rev.pdf","url":"https://az.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/5387/files/diss_dv_kou0163_jab&rev.pdf"},"version_id":"548a7752-8932-4cca-92f3-9efc62d7d468"}]},"item_language":{"attribute_name":"言語","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_language":"jpn"}]},"item_resource_type":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"resourcetype":"doctoral thesis"}]},"item_title":"高齢動物脳の病理学的解析","item_titles":{"attribute_name":"タイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_title":"高齢動物脳の病理学的解析"},{"subitem_title":"Pathological analysis of aged animal brains","subitem_title_language":"en"}]},"item_type_id":"10006","owner":"4","path":["391"],"pubdate":{"attribute_name":"公開日","attribute_value":"2020-05-27"},"publish_date":"2020-05-27","publish_status":"0","recid":"5387","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["高齢動物脳の病理学的解析"],"weko_creator_id":"4","weko_shared_id":4},"updated":"2023-06-19T07:40:10.435176+00:00"}