@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005151, author = {山本, 静雄 and 栗林, 尚志 and 福山, 正文 and 古畑, 勝則 and Yamamoto, Shizuo and Kuribayashi, Takashi and Fukuyama, Masafumi and Furuhata, Katsunori}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The aims of this study were to evaluate the imhibition of colonization and the neutralization of verotoxin (VT) of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 colostral antibodies in beagle dogs. Cows were immunized with bacterial cells (O157) purified VT2 14 times at 7-day intervals. Colostral antibodies were obtained from immunized cows after delivery. The titer of bovine colostral antibody to VT was high. But, the titer of antibody to flagellum was very low. IgA antibody titer to VT was higher than IgG or IgM antibody titer. Beagle dogs inoculated with O157 producing VT2 were administered colostral antibody, serum antibody or saline. Furthremore, colostral antibody and colostrum whey obtained from non-immunized cow were administrated. The amount of VT2 in feces was reduced immediately by administration of colostral antibody than plasma antibody, saline or colostrum whey. The residual time in small intestine of bovine colostral antibody and plasma antibody obtained from rabitts immunized VT2 was compared. The residual time of bovine colostral antibody was longer than rabbit serum antibody. This result suggested that bovine colostral antibody resisted to protease in digestive organ., P(論文), 特集, application/pdf, FEATURE ARTICLES}, pages = {226--228}, title = {初乳抗体による腸管内での病原性大腸菌の定着阻止および毒素の中和}, volume = {13/14}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ヤマモト, シズオ and クリバヤシ, タカシ and フクヤマ, マサフミ and フルハタ, カツノリ} }