@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005067, author = {秋山, 孝洋 and 佐俣, 哲郎 and 村山, 洋 and Akiyama, Takahiro and Samata, Tetsurou and Murayama, Ohoshi}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {ショウジョウバエ卵巣は,多細胞生物の器官構築の過程を研究するための良いモデルシステムとなっている。我々の研究室で単離した卵巣形態に異常の生じる突然変異体のうち,主にLar変異体について間接蛍光抗体法で解析した。共焦点レーザー顕微鏡の観察から,Lar変異体では,卵巣小菅が個々に分解せず,Larはショウジョウバエの卵巣において接着班の分解を介してASCsの移動に関与し,蛹の卵巣を卵巣小管に分離する過程を制御している可能性が示唆された。, The shape of an organ is controlled by the morphogenetic properties of the participating cells. The Drosophila ovary represents an excellent system to study such a reorganization process. The ovary possesses 15-20 ovarioles, repeated units that serve as an assembly line for oogenesis. In early pupal stages, the ovary is composed of different cell populations from the anterior to the posterior side: anterior somatic cells (ASCs) and terminal filament cells, somatic and germline cell precursors that are intermingled in the central part of the ovary, and basal cells. During later stages, ASCs migrate posteriorly and separate the central populations of cells into ovarioles. Here, we report that Lar gene is crucial for normal morphogenesis of Drosophila ovary. Lar mutant ovary fail to separate the central population of cells into ovarioles. In wild-type, LAR is expressed in the ASCs, intermingled cells and basal cells. These three cell types share a common feature of cell motility during ovariole formation. Lar encodes a membrane protein containing immunoglobulin-like domains, fibronectin type III repeats and PTPase domains. Previous studies have demonstrated that LAR associates with focal adhesions (FAs) in human cells and plays a role in disassembly of FAs (Serra-Pages, 1995). Considering that the cyclical regulation of FAs formation and disassembly is critical in the control of cell movement, we propose that Lar may be involved in ASCs movement by disassembling FAs, resulting in proper separation of ovarioles in pupal ovary., P(論文), 特集, application/pdf, FEATURE ARTICLES}, pages = {282--283}, title = {ショウジョウバエ卵巣形態形成機構の分子レベルにおける解明}, volume = {15/16}, year = {2008}, yomi = {アキヤマ, タカヒロ and サマタ, テツロウ and ムラヤマ, オオシ} }