@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005057, author = {松田, 基夫 and 三田, 明弘 and 村山, 洋 and Matsuda, Motoo and Sanda, Akihiro and Murayama, Ohoshi}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Approximately 2.5 k base pair (bp) amplicons encoding a cdt gene operon of about 2.3 kbp and two partial and putative open reading frames (ORFs) were identified with all the six urease-negative (UN) Campylobacter lari isolates obtained from different sources and in different countries using a novel PCR primer pair constructed in silico. Three closely spaced and possible ORFs for cdtA, B and C and two putative promoters and a hypothetically intrinsic p-independent transcription terminator were found in the operon. Each ORF commenced with an ATG start codon and terminated with a TGA stop codon for cdtA and B and a TAA for C. A possible overlap was identified between the four nucleotides including the stop codon (TGA) of the cdtA and the four nucleotides including the start codon (ATG) of the B, and the non-coding region of six bp occurred between cdtB and C. The start codons for the three cdt genes were preceded by Shine-Dalgarno sequences. Although nucleotide sequence differences were identified at seven loci in the cdtA gene, six B and two C, among seven isolates, including C. lari RM2100 reference strain, no polymorphic sites were demonstrated to occur in the putative promoters, hypothetically intrinsic transcription terminators and three ribosome binding sites among the seven isolates. Although no PCR amplicons were generated with more than 10 isolates of urease-positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC) using the primer pair, C. lari consisting of UN C. lari and UPTC was suggested to carry a cdt gene operon in the genome., P(論文), 特集, application/pdf, FEATURE ARTICLES}, pages = {229--234}, title = {カンピロバクターのDNA分子識別 : Campylobacter lariの細胞膨張化致死毒素遺伝子オペロンのクローニングと構造解析}, volume = {15/16}, year = {2008}, yomi = {マツダ, モトオ and サンダ, アキヒロ and ムラヤマ, オホシ} }