@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004862, author = {並河, 和彦 and 齋藤, 弥代子 and 須永, 藤子 and 久末, 正晴 and Namikawa, Kazuhiko and Saito, Miyoko and Sunaga, Fujiko and Hisasue, Masaharu}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {末梢・中枢神経や筋疾患の原因となる新興原虫感染症であるNeospora caninum(NC)感染症の,犬に対する影響の実態を把握する目的で,2004年7月から2005年4月の間に,本学獣医学部附属動物病院に来院した神経や筋症状を示す犬のうち,CSFを採取した28頭に対し,血清とCSFにおけるNCの抗体価(IFAT)(IgG)と,NCと交差反応する可能性のあるBG,TGの抗体検査を行った。その結果,NCのCSFにおける抗体価は28例中すべてにおいて陰性(<1 : 50)であった。また,血清におけるNC抗体価は22例で測定し,そのうち4例では陽性コントロールと比較して,やや弱いながらも低倍率希釈(1 : 50)にて明らかに蛍光を発した。BG,TGの抗体価は全て陰性であった。, Neospora caninum (NC) is an emerging protozoa. The primary objective of the study reported here is to establish how often the true incidence of this infection in dogs is related to signs of myopathy and peripheral and central nervous system disorder. 28 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples and 22 sera taken from dogs that had been presented for nervous system and/or muscle failure at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Azabu University between 2004 July and 2005 April were evaluated by the indirect fluorescent antibody test to provide a diagnosis of NC. In addition, these samples were evaluated for anti-Babesia gibsoni (BG) and anti-Toxoplasma gondii (TG) because of the serologic cross reaction of these infections with NC. The findings in these tests indicated that all of the CSF samples were negative (<1 : 50). However, 4 samples of sera were slightly fluorescent (1 : 50) compared with the positive control. The tests for BG and TG were negative., P(論文), 特集, application/pdf, FEATURE ARTICLES}, pages = {210--211}, title = {犬のNeospora caninum感染症に関する臨床学的研究}, volume = {11/12}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ナミカワ, カズヒコ and サイトウ, ミヨコ and スナガ, フジコ and ヒサスエ, マサハル} }