@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004555, author = {大倉, 健宏 and Okura, Takehiro}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {One part of the research investigates the epidemiological aspect, and the other the sociological aspect. As a result of this research, we would like to find out what is or are the critical conditions for building “pet-friendly communities” Recently, as smaller dogs have increased in popularity, the tendency for dogs to be kept indoors has also increased, thus leading to closer contact between pets and their owners. As a result, diseases exchanged between dogs and their owners have been more frequently observed. While the spread of dental caries (tooth decay) between dogs and owners does not occur, it is possible that periodontal diseases (gum diseases) could be spread between them. Our study focuses on the bacteria “Campylobacter rectus”, a cause of periodontal disease, and aims to identify this bacteria in dogs and their owners by conducting a DNA level analysis., P(論文), 原著論文, application/pdf, ORIGINAL ARTICLE}, pages = {5--18}, title = {社会学的調査研究方法としての「コミュニティ疫学」 : ペットフレンドリーなコミュニティ調査から}, volume = {28}, year = {2017} }