@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004436, author = {其木, 茂則 and 佐俣, 哲郎 and 堂ヶ崎, 知格 and Sonoki, Shigenori and Samata, Tetsuo and Dougasaki, Chikaku}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Co-PCBsのシロイヌナズナによる吸収,吸着について高分解能GC-MSを用いて詳細に検討したところ以下のような知見が得られた。 ・Co-PCBsは低塩素同族体に比べ高塩素体の方が(吸着)量は低下する。 ・モノオルトCo-PCBsはノンオルト体と比較して吸収量が高くなる。 ・暴露濃度が高くなるに従って低塩素Co-PCBsの吸収量は飛躍的に増加するのに対して,高塩素Co-PCBsの吸収量は変化しない。 ・Co-PCBsの水への溶解度及び蒸気圧は塩素数の増加に伴い低くなり,ノンオルトCo-PCBsは同塩素数のCo-PCBsと比較して低くなることから,シロイヌナズナの根及び大気からの吸収量は溶解度及び蒸気圧に依存する。, The stability and hydrophobic nature of dioxins make them a persistent environmental hazard, so the environmental pollution level of such compounds is becoming more serious. To clean up the polluted environment, phytoremediation with plants, which have varied metabolic systems, is expected to solve the environmental pollution problem. In this study, the accumulation of 11 congeners of coplanar polychlorinated biphenyl (Co-PCBs) by Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) was investigated, using high-resolution GC-MS. As the results, it was found that the accumulation levels of Co-PCBs by A. thaliana under the water culture depended on the content or position of chlorine as below. 1. Lower chlorinated Co-PCB congeners were accumulated more than higher chlorinated ones. 2. Non-ortho Co-PCB congeners were less accumulated than equally chlorinated ortho congeners. 3. Accumulation of lower chlorinated Co-PCB congeners were proportionally increased in proportion to the exposure levels of Co-PCBs, to the contrary, accumulation of higher chlorinated Co-PCBs were not increased. 4. Absorption through the roots and absorption (or adsorption) from air depended on solubility and vapor pressure., P(論文), 特集, application/pdf, FEATURE ARTICLES}, pages = {139--143}, title = {リグニン分解酵素遺伝子導入シロイヌナズナを用いたダイオキシン類のファイトレメディエーション}, volume = {5/6}, year = {2003} }