{"created":"2023-06-19T07:18:26.531980+00:00","id":3803,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"a539f6af-fa70-4edf-8d21-eec24f2bd45b"},"_deposit":{"created_by":4,"id":"3803","owners":[4],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"3803"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003803","sets":["370:15:392"]},"author_link":["17680","17681"],"item_10006_date_granted_11":{"attribute_name":"学位授与年月日","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dategranted":"1996-01-10"}]},"item_10006_degree_grantor_9":{"attribute_name":"学位授与機関","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreegrantor":[{"subitem_degreegrantor_name":"麻布大学"}]}]},"item_10006_degree_name_8":{"attribute_name":"学位名","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreename":"博士(獣医学)"}]},"item_10006_description_22":{"attribute_name":"Abstract","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"Bovine coccidia are known to be widely distributed in the world, and some species of them are thought to be important causative agents of bovine diarrhea. Some drugs for chicken coccidiosis have been studied on efficacy to bovine coccidiosis, however, it is difficult for bovine coccidia to produce sufficient and stable infections under experimental conditions. For study of the control of bovine coccidiosis, it is necessary to establish an experimental infection model, which should be reproducible and stable, and to elucidate parameters for evaluation of severity of infections.\n In the course of experimental infections with some species of bovine coccidia collected from naturally infected cattle in Japan, Eimeria wyomingensis produced the most stable infections, so, it is supposed that infection with this species was a useful experimental model for evaluation of anticoccidial activities of drugs. But, there have been published only a few reports on biological characteristics and pathogenicity of E. wyomingensis. Accordingly, in the present study, E. wyomingensis was examined for morphological characteristics of oocyst, endogenous and exogenous development, and pathogenicity, and an application of this species for production of an experimental infection model and parameters for evaluation of infections were discussed.\n1. Prevalence and distribution of bovine coccidia in Japan\n A field survey on coccidial infections in cattle was carried out in 9 prefectures to elucidate prevalence and distribution of bovine coccidia in Japan and to obtain coccidial samples for examination of their biological characteristics and pathogenicity. A total of 1,015 fecal samples were collected from dairy and beef cattle varying in age, breed, and feeding procedure. Coccidial oocysts were found in 59.0% of the samples and 11 species of Eimeria were identified. E. wyomingensis was found in all the prefectures, but a mean prevalence of this species was only 5.4%. The low prevalence of E. wyomingensis seemed advantageous to experimental infections, because of less possibility of natural contamination with this species in the experiments.\n2. A strain of E. wyomingensis and its biological characteristics\n In the present study, a field strain of E. wyomingensis was used, which was originally isolated from a Holstein heifer, 8 months of age, in Okayama prefecture, Japan in 1985. For determination of biological characteristics of E. wyomingensis, morphological characteristics and sporulation process of oocysts, and endogenous development were observed.\n Oocysts were typically ovoid and oocyst wall was composed of a yellowish brown outer layer and a colorless inner layer. Micropyle was detected at the narrower end of oocyst, but micropyler cap, oocyst residuum, and polar granules were absent. Two hundred oocysts measured 31.6 - 46.3 by 23.7 - 33.1 μm with a mean of 39.7 by 28.9 μm, and a regression equation of width (Y) against length (X) was Y=0.12X+24.13. Sporocysts were elongate ellipsoidal with a clear Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum was generally absent. Two hundred sporocysts measured 14.9 - 19.1 by 7.0 - 11.0 μm with a mean of 17.0 by 9.3 μm . Sporozoites were elongate with a large refractile globule. Two hundred sporozoites measured 13.8 - 21.2 by 2.5 - 5.6 μm with a mean of 18.0 by 4.1 μm.\n Freshly isolated oocysts of E. wyomingensis were suspended in 2% potassium bichromate solution and the suspension was incubated in a shaking bath at 29℃. Condensation of the sporont occurred within the first 12 hrs after incubation. Division of the sporont and formation of the sporocyst were first found at 81 hrs and 90 hrs, respectively, after the beginning of incubation. Completely sporulated oocysts were first found at 141 hrs and the sporulation rate reached the maximum at 234 hrs. For precise evaluation of the sporulation time, regression analysis of the complete sporulation rate transformed into arcsin and time after incubation was found to be available, by which the expected 50% sporulation time was determined to be 191 hrs.\n For observation of endogenous development of E. wyomingensis, a total of 23 Holstein calves was used. They were prevented from natural infections with coccidia and were inoculated with 10^6 to 2 × 10^6 sporulated oocysts 1 to 4 weeks after weaning. Of the calves inoculated, one or more were killed daily for 15 days after inoculation. Fresh smears and tissue sections stained with HE, PAS, or Giemsa of the intestinal tracts were examined. E. wyomingensis had at least 2 asexual generations before development of sexual stage. First generation schizonts were found in the epithelial cells of crypts, and second generation schizonts and gamonts were found in the cells of lamina propria. Development of all the stages occurred in anterior one third of small intestine, but in neither upper part of the small intestine nor the large intestine including the ceca. Endogenous development of E. wyomingensis was characterized by the small second generation schizonts (7.4 by 8.6 μm) which contained only 2 to 6 merozoites and the large microgamonts (78.0 × 98.8 μm).\n Prepatent and patent periods were 14 - 15 days with a mean of 14.2 days and 4 - 10 days with a mean of 6.4 days, respectively, in 31 calves , aged from 1 to 2 months and inoculated with 10^5 to 10^7 sporulated oocysts of E. wyomingensis.\n Full observations of biological characteristics of E. wyomingensis could make it clear and easy to distinguish this species from the other species from cattle. And also, it appears that endogenous development of E. wyomingensis differs from that of the other species of bovine coccidia.\n3. Pathogenicity of E. wyomingensis and evaluation of severity of infections\n E. wyomingensis was examined for pathogenicity to calves, compared with a pathogenic species of E. bovis and low or non pathogenic species of E. alabamensis and E. subspherica under a standardized condition of experimental infections. Holstein calves, 5 to 6 weeks of age, were orally inoculated with sporulated oocysts mixed with a small amount of concentrated feed 1 to 2 weeks after weaning. For evaluation of severity of infections, calves were examined for clinical symptoms, body weight gain, feed intake, oocyst discharge, fecal occult blood, hematological and biochemical findings, xylose absorption, and pathological changes.\n When inoculated with 10^5, 10^6, or 10^7 sporulated oocysts of E. wyomingensis, all the calves became infected and passed watery diarrheal feces, negative for the occult blood test, from 14 or 15 days after inoculation. Although severity of the diarrhea was slightly lower in the calves inoculated with 10^5 oocysts, no variations were found in severity of infections in calves. Calves inoculated with 10^5, 10^6, or 10^7 oocysts were sacrificed and examined for pathological changes in the intestinal tract. In all the calves, numerous pin-hole reddish spots on the mucosal surface and watery contents were found in the lower ileum. In sections of the jejunum and ileum, villous atrophy and necrotic masses in the lumen of cripts were detected.\n Calves inoculated with 10^5 or more oocysts of E. bovis showed hemorrhagic diarrhea, and those inoculated with 10^7 or more oocysts of E. alabamensis passed watery diarrheal feces. With both coccidian species, however, stable infections could not be produced, since severity of infections varied in calves. No clinical signs were detected in calves inoculated with 10^7 oocysts of E. subspherica.\n Repeated inoculation with E. wyomingensis oocysts, which are thought to be close to natural infection mode, were examined for pathogenicity to calves, compared with a single inoculation. When given a single inoculum of 10^6, or 2 × 10^5 or 2 × 10^6 oocysts 5 times every other day, all the calves passed watery diarrheal feces and no difference was found in severity of clinical symptoms between both inoculation methods. Although no difference was found in duration of diarrhea between a single inoculation with 10^6 and repeated inoculations with 2 × 10^6 oocysts, the duration in calves inoculated 5 times with 2 × 10^5 oocysts for was shorter than in the other two inoculations. It was suggested that the severity of infections depended on the number of oocysts initially inoculated.\n In E. wyomingensis, E. bovis, and E. alabamensis infections, calves reduced body weight gain and feed intake during the period with clinical symptoms, and the larger number of oocysts were passed in feces of calves showing more severe clinical symptoms. Of hematological and biochemical findings, serum albumin concentrations were reduced in calves severely infected calves with the three species of coccidia. Xylose absorption was reduced in calves infected with E. alabamensis during the clinical period but did not change in those infected with E. wyomingensis and E. bovis.\n The present study showed that inoculation of E. wyomingensis oocysts to calves could produce reliable and reproducible infections, and that this species of coccidia caused severe non-hemorrhagic diarrhea when inoculated at a dose of 10^5 or more oocysts. Consequently, it was concluded that E. wyomingensis was available for establishment of an experimental infection model of bovine coccidiosis. To produce sufficient infection of E. wyomingensis, it is recommended that calves, 1 to 2 weeks after weaning, should be orally given a single inoculum of 10^6 oocysts.\n Body weight gain, feed intake, severity of diarrhea, and oocyst discharge were useful parameters for evaluation of severity of infections. Of hematological and biochemical findings, serum albumin concentration was suggested to be available for evaluation of infections. The fecal occult blood test and xylose absorption test seemed to be useful for evaluation of E. bovis and E. alabamensis infections, respectively, but not for that of E. wyomingensis infection.\n","subitem_description_type":"Other"}]},"item_10006_description_7":{"attribute_name":"抄録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"牛のコクシジウムは、世界各地に広く分布し、牛下痢症の最も重要な原因の一つとして知られている。牛コクシジウム症の予防剤として、鶏コクシジウム症の予防のために開発された薬剤の応用が検討されている。しかし、牛のコクシジウムでは、人工感染により安定した感染を作り出すことが難しく、感染結果に大きなばらつきを生じやすいことから、薬効評価法について十分に検討されていない。従って、牛コクシジウム症の予防・治療剤の開発においでは、安定した感染が得られる試験系の確立と、その感染評価法の検討が必要である。\n 我が国の野外自然感染牛から分離された数種のコクシジウムを子牛に人工感染させたところ、E. wyomingensis と同定された原虫は、再現性の高い感染が得られることが明らかとなり、牛のコクシジウムの感染モデルとして薬効評価等に応用可能であることが示唆された。しかし、本種の生物学的性状や病原性についてはほとんど明らかにされていない。本研究では、薬効評価モデルとしてのE. wyomingensisの有用性を検討するため、オーシストの形態学的特徴、宿主体外および体内における発育、病原性およびその評価法について検討した。\n\n1. 日本における牛のコクシジウムの種類と分布\n 我が国における牛のコクシジウムの分布の実態を明らかにすること、および生物学的性状や病原性を観察するための材料を得ることを目的とし、地域、月齢、品種、飼育方法等を考慮して合計1015頭の牛から糞便材料を採取し、オーシストの検査、分離および同定を行った。\n コクシジウムのオーシストは59.0%の牛から11種が検出された。検出された11種のうちE. wyomingensisは全ての地域で検出されたが、検出率は平均5.4%と低かった。従って、本種を用いた人工感染実験の場合、同種の自然感染による汚染が生じにくいことが考えられ、本種を感染モデルとした場合の利点の一つと考えられる。\n2. E. wyomingensis (岡山株)の由来と生物学的生状\n 本研究で用いたE. wyomingensis株は、1985年11月に岡山県下の農場で飼育されていた8か月齢雌の育成牛の糞便中から回収されたものである。E. wyomingensisの生物学的生状を明らかにするため、オーシストの形態学的特徴、胞子形成、宿主体内における発育について観察を行った。\n オーシストは、卵円形で、オーシスト壁は黄褐色の外層と無色の内層で構成される。オーシストの鋭端部にミクロパイルが認められるが、ミクロパイルキャップ、外部残体および極顆粒は認められない。オーシスト200個の計測値は長軸長31.6~46.3μm(39.7±1.9μm)、短軸長23.7~33.1μm(28.9±1.2μm)、短軸長(Y)に対する長軸長(X)の回帰式はY=0.12X+24.13であった。スポロシストは長楕円形で一端に明瞭なStieda bodyが認められる。内部残体は欠くものが多い。スポロシスト200個の計測値は長軸長14.9~19.1μm(17.0±0.9μm)、短軸長7.0~11.0μm(9.3±0.7μm)であった。スポロゾイトは長紡錘形で、内部には1個の大きなrefractile globuleを認める。スポロゾイト200個の計測値は長軸長13.8~21.2μm(18.0±1.4μm)、短軸長2.5~5.6μm(4.1±0.6μm)であった。\n E. wyomingensisの新鮮胞子未形成オーシストを、2%重クロム酸カリウム溶液に浮遊させ29℃で振盪培養した。スポロントの凝集は12時間後までにほぼ完了した。分裂開始像は81時間後、スポロシストの形成は90時間後からみられた。胞子形成の完了は141時間後からみられ、234時間後には最大値に達した。胞子形成時間の決定には、胞子形成完了オーシストの出現頻度のアークサイン変換値と経過時間の回帰式の応用が有効と考えられ、これから算出された50%胞子形成時間は191時間であった。\n コクシジウムの自然感染を防止して飼育した離乳後1~4週の子牛合計23頭に、E. wyomingensisオーシスト10^6~2×10^6個を投与した。これらを経時的に剖検し、腸管の生鮮材料および染色標本(HE、PAS、ギムザ染色)の観察を行った。E. wyomingensisは少なくとも2代の無性生殖を経た後、有性世代に移行し、初代シゾントは腸陰窩上皮細胞、第二代シゾントおよび有性世代は絨毛の固有層の細胞で発育することが明らかとなった。これらの各発育期とも小腸の下部1/3以降の全域でみられ、小腸の上部や盲腸以降からは検出されなかった。第二代シゾントが平均7.4×8.6μmと小形であること、有性世代のミクロガモントは平均78.0×98.8μmと非常に大形であることが本種の特徴と考えられた。\n 1ないし2か月齢の子牛合計31頭にE. wyomingensisのオーシスト10^5~10^7個を単回投与した場合のプリパテントピリオドは14~15日(14.2±0.4日)、パテントピリオドは4~10日(6.4±1.9日)であった。\n 以上、E. wyomingensisの生物学的諸性状を詳細に観察した結果、他種の牛コクシジウムとの異同が明確になり、他種コクシジウムとの鑑別が正確かつ容易にできるようになった。また、宿主体内の発育は、現在までに知られているいくつかの牛のコクシジウム種のいずれとも異なっていた。\n3. E. wyomingensisの病原性とその評価\n E. wyomingensisの病原性を、強病原性とされるE. bovis、低病原性とされるE. alabamensisおよびE. subsphericaを対照とし、これらを同一条件下で感染させることにより比較検討した。感染評価のためには、臨床症状、オーシストの排泄状況、体重、餌料摂取量、便潜血反応、臨床病理学的所見、キシロース吸収脳および病理学的所見について観察を行った。\n 離乳後1ないし2週の子牛にE. wyomingensisのオーシスト10^5、10^6、10^7個を投与したところ、全例で感染が成立し、14~15日目には水様性下痢がみられた。10^5個投与の個体で下痢の程度がやや軽かったほか、発症の程度に個体間でばらつきはみられなかった。10^5、10^6および10^7個を投与した個体を14日目に剖検したところ、オーシスト投与数にかかわりなく回腸後半部の粘膜に微細赤色点の密在と消化管内容の水様化がみられ、組織学的には空腸および回腸における絨毛の萎縮、腺窩内壊死塊の存在が認められた。\n 一方、E. bovisでは10^5個の投与で出血性の下痢がみられ、E. alabamensisでは10^7個の投与で水様性下痢がみられたが、両種とも感染の程度は個体により大きなばらつきがみられ、安定した感染を作りだすことはできなかった。また、E. subsphericaでは、10^7個の投与によって糞便性状等の変化はみられなかった。\n 野外での感染様式に近いと考えられる反復投与による病原性を単回投与によるものと比較するため、E. wyomingensisオーシスト10^5個単回、2×10^5または2×10^5個を5回反復投与したところ、いずれの場合も水様性下痢便の排泄がみられ、その程度にオーシスト投与法や投与数による差はなかった。しかし、下痢便の持続期間は、10^5個の単回および2×10^5個の5回反復投与で著差はなく、2×10^5個の5回反復投与で短くなる傾向がみられ、感染の程度は初回オーシスト投与数に依存することが示唆された。\n E. wyomingensis、E. bovisおよびE. alabamensis感染時とも、臨床症状の発現時に一致して増体量、餌料摂取量の低下がみられた。また、ほとんどの場合オーシスト排泄数は臨床症状の程度に比例して増加した。臨床病理学的検査においては、E. wyomingensis、E. bovisおよびE. alabamensisのいずれの感染時でも、症状の程度に比例してアルブミンの減少がみられた。E. alabamensis感染子牛では、下痢の発現時にキシロース吸収能の明らかな低下がみられたが、E. wyomingensisおよびE. bovis感染時には、特に変化はみられなかった。\n 以上の結果から、E. wyomingensisを子牛に人工感染させた場合、再現性の高い安定した感染が得られ、10^5個以上のオーシストの投与により一様に非出血性の下痢を起こす強い病原性が得られることから、本種は薬効評価などにおける牛コクシジウムの感染モデルとして極めて有望である。なお、安定した病原性を得るには離乳後1ないし2週齢の子牛を用い、10^5個のオーシストを単回投与することが適切な感染法と考えられた。\n 牛のコクシジウム感染における感染の程度の指標として体重、餌料摂取量、下痢の程度、オーシスト排泄数が有用であることが認められた。臨床病理学的指標としては、血清アルブミン濃度が安定した感染の指標になるものと考えられた。なお便の潜血反応およびキシロース負荷試験はE. wyomingensis感染では無効であるが、E. bovis感染では便の潜血反応、E. alabamensis感染ではキシロース負荷試験が、腸管損傷の程度を測るのに有効な指標と考えられた。\n","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"}]},"item_10006_dissertation_number_12":{"attribute_name":"学位授与番号","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dissertationnumber":"乙第352号"}]},"item_10006_version_type_18":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_ab4af688f83e57aa","subitem_version_type":"AM"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"小田, 憲司"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{"nameIdentifier":"17680","nameIdentifierScheme":"WEKO"}]},{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"Oda, Kenji","creatorNameLang":"en"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{"nameIdentifier":"17681","nameIdentifierScheme":"WEKO"}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2014-04-16"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"diss_dv_otsu0352.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"30.9 MB"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"diss_dv_otsu0352","url":"https://az.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/3803/files/diss_dv_otsu0352.pdf"},"version_id":"08813b0b-4dca-480c-9c21-63b3671f3a9c"},{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2014-08-18"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"diss_dv_otsu0352_jab&rev.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"339.9 kB"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"diss_dv_otsu0352_jab&rev","url":"https://az.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/3803/files/diss_dv_otsu0352_jab&rev.pdf"},"version_id":"8aec8485-38a3-4b18-be62-f695511f6e9f"}]},"item_language":{"attribute_name":"言語","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_language":"jpn"}]},"item_resource_type":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"resourcetype":"thesis","resourceuri":"http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_46ec"}]},"item_title":"牛コクシジウム症感染モデル作出のためのEimeria wyomingensisに関する研究","item_titles":{"attribute_name":"タイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_title":"牛コクシジウム症感染モデル作出のためのEimeria wyomingensisに関する研究"},{"subitem_title":"Study on Eimeria wyomingensis as a causative agent of experimental bovine coccidiosis","subitem_title_language":"en"}]},"item_type_id":"10006","owner":"4","path":["392"],"pubdate":{"attribute_name":"公開日","attribute_value":"2013-10-01"},"publish_date":"2013-10-01","publish_status":"0","recid":"3803","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["牛コクシジウム症感染モデル作出のためのEimeria wyomingensisに関する研究"],"weko_creator_id":"4","weko_shared_id":4},"updated":"2023-06-19T08:17:17.647477+00:00"}