@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003686, author = {古畑, 勝則 and 枝川, 亜希子 and 石崎, 直人 and 原, 元宣 and 福山, 正文 and Furuhata, Katsunori and Edagawa, Akiko and Ishizaki, Naoto and Hara, Motonobu and Fukuyama, Masafumi}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Feb}, note = {In order to obtain an understanding of the inhabitation of Legionella spp. in hot spring bath water, the isolation of Legionella spp. was attempted in 30 prefectures nationwide in 2009-2010, and the following results have been obtained. 1) Isolation of the bacteria was achieved for 89 out of 366 samples (24.3%). When this was broken down into individual regions, the isolation rate in Kyushu and Okinawa regions was the highest at 58.6%, followed by Hokkaido at 42.4%. With regard to isolation by facility, isolation was achieved at 49 out of 124 facilities (39.5%). 2) In the 89 samples form which genus Legionella were isolated, counts of Legionella spp. in 100 ml of hot spring water were less than 102 CFU in 45 samples (50.6%), followed by 28 samples within the 102 CFU range (31.5%). 3) Of the bacterial species of the 111 strains isolated from the 89 samples of hot spring water collected from all over the country, the bacterial strain that was most frequently identified was Legionella pneumophila, and it accounted for 78 strains (69.6%). Among these strains by serogroup, group 1 was the most common with 25 strains (32.1%), followed by group 4 with 17 strains (21.8%). Moreover, out of the bacterial strains that were identified other than Legionella pneumophila, Legionella londiniensis was the second most common, with 20 strains (17.9%), followed by Legionella micdadei with 5 strains (4.5%). 4) The 90% MIC rate (MIC90) of Legionella pneumophila isolates (82 strains) was tested with 10 drugs. Out of the 10 drugs, rifampicin showed the best antimicrobial activity of 0.016 μg/ml, followed by imipenem at 0.5 μg/ml. However, isolates showed high resistance to minocycline and piperacillin with the MIC90 of minocycline at 16 μg/ml, and that of piperacillin at >256 μg/ml., P(論文), 40019334581, 原著論文, application/pdf, ORIGINAL ARTICLE}, pages = {17--23}, title = {温泉水からのレジオネラ属菌の分離状況およびL. pneumophila の薬剤感受性}, volume = {23}, year = {2012} }