@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003628, author = {高槻, 成紀 and 佐藤, 雅俊 and Takatsuki, Seiki and Sato, Masatoshi}, journal = {麻布大学雑誌, Journal of Azabu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {1)モンゴルの森林ステップ帯において植物の重量xとバイオマス指数(被度%と高さcm の積)y の相関をとったところ,y = 14.68x という関係があり,相関指数はr2 = 0.685 とあまり大きくなかった。 2)これをイネ科と双子葉草本に分けたところ,イネ科はy = 12.19 x(r2 = 0.833),双子葉草本はy =16.89x(r2 = 0.669)と,イネ科はより強い相関があった。 3)この係数の違いは生育型を反映していると考えられるので,植物を生育型別に比較したところ,相関係数はいずれの生育型でもほぼ0.7 以上であった。 4)直立型や分枝型は叢生型よりも係数が大きく,バイオマス指数が過大に評価され,匍匐型やロゼット型は過小に評価されることがわかった。 5)これにより,被度と草丈を測定すれば,刈り取り,計量しなくても,かなり正確に重量を推定できることがわかった。, The correlation between dry weight (x) and biomass index (coverage % multiplied by height cm, y) of plants in the forest-steppe zone of northern Mongolia was determined. There was a correlation of y = 14.31(r2 = 0.690, P < 0.01). When plants were divided into graminoids and forbs, the correlations were stronger: for graminoids, y = 12.19 x (r2 = 0.833, P < 0.01) and for forbs, y = 16.89 x (r2 = 0.669, P < 0.01). The difference of the coefficients (inclination) was explained by the growth forms of the plant groups. Further,plants were compared according to the growth forms(Gimingham, 1951). The coefficients of erect type and branched type were greater than that of tufted type (graminoids), while those of rosette type and prostrate typebwere smaller. That is, the biomass index overestimates the former and underestimates the latter. This study has shown that plant biomasses can be precisely estimated by measuring coverage and height without clipping and weighing. This is much less time-consuming and less laborious., P(論文), 120005320876, 原著論文, application/pdf, ORIGINAL ARTICLE}, pages = {9--11}, title = {モンゴル森林ステップ帯の草本類のバイオマス推定}, volume = {21/22}, year = {2011} }