@article{oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003396, author = {菅原, 静人 and 植竹, 勝治 and 江口, 祐輔 and 田中, 智夫 and Sugawara, Shizuto and Uetake, Katsuji and Eguchi, Yusuke and Tanaka, Toshio}, issue = {45}, journal = {日本緬羊研究会誌, Japanese journal of sheep science}, month = {Dec}, note = {With the increasing concern of animal welfare among consumers, regulations for animal welfare have been implemented. These regulations also cover transport of live animals in EU and the USA. In Japan, it is needed that the level of animal welfare during transport is studied. Therefore, this experiment aimed to study and evaluate stress levels of sheep during transport with increasing arterial and mountain roads because of geological characteristics in Japan. Lambs (approximately four months of age) were transported by truck in July 2006 (in the shortest distance) and July 2007 (in the increased distance of arterial and mountain roads). There was a significant relationship between year and road type in the number of lying lambs (x2=48.69,P<0.01). While the number of lying lambs in arterial and mountain roads in 2006 was more than the expected, fewer the number of lying lambs in arterial and mountain roads in 2007 was than the expected. There was a significant relationship between year and road type in the number of lambs heading to all directions (front X2= 178.77 ; back X2= 81.44 ; right X2 = 21.25 ; left X2=23.73, all P < 0.001). While the number of lambs heading to directions expect left in arterial roads in 2006 were more than the expected, fewer the number of lambs oriented most directions except left in arterial roads in 2007 were than the expected. The number of lambs that lost their balance in arterial and mountain roads was significantly more than that in expressways (both P< 0.01), even though a significant difference was not found between years. The number of vocalizations was hardly observed at the early time of transport in 2006, but large number of vocalizations was observed in 2007, and the number was linearly decreased until 80 minutes of transport (y =-0.131x +11.81, R2=0.798, P< 0.01). This might be due to the presence or absence of isolation of lambs from ewes before transport. More increased variation of heart rate, rectal temperature, plasma cortisol, blood lactate from pre- to post transport were seen in 2007 compared to those in 2006, but all variations were not statistically significant. These results suggest that the shortest route including expressways should be used and drive carefully when the shortest route could not be used, because stress levels of transported lambs were slightly heightened with increasing the distance of arterial and mountain roads., 世界的に動物福祉への関心が高まり,家畜福祉の規制への具現化が進んでいる。それに伴い,欧米では生体輸送に対しても規制が行われている。日本においても生体輸送時の福祉性の検討が必要である。そこで本研究は,日本の地形的特徴である山間部における山道を含む輸送行程での家畜輸送時のストレス負荷の検討と評価を目的とした。実験には,生後約4ヵ月齢の子ヒッジを用い,2006年(高速道多用)と2007年(一般道と山道の距離増加)の7月に計2回の輸送を行った。伏臥位頭数における年と道路種との関連は有意であり(x2=48.69,P<0.01),一般道および山道において,2006年よりも2007年で伏臥位の観察頭数が期待頭数よりも少なく(P<0.001),体の向きは左を除くすべての向きにおいて,2006年では観察頭数が期待頭数よりも少なく,2007年では観察頭数が期待頭数よりも多かった(前方x2=178.77;後方x2=81.44;右x2=21.25;左x2=23.73,すべてP<0.001)。また,バランスを崩す回数は,年間での有意な違いは見られなかったものの,一般道および山道において高速道よりも有意にバランスを崩す回数が多かった(ともにP<0.01)。発声は,2006年では輸送開始直後にほとんど見られなかったのに対し,2007年では輸送開始直後に多く見られ輸送開始後80分までに直線的に減少した(y=-0.131x+11.81,R2=0.798,P<0.01)。これには,輸送前における母ヒッジと子ヒッジの隔離の有無が影響していた可能性がある。心拍数,直腸温,血漿コルチゾール濃度,血中乳酸濃度の輸送に伴う増加量が有意では無いものの2007年において2006年よりも大きかった。これらの結果から,一般道および山道の距離増加により,輸送中の子ヒッジに対するストレス負荷が少なからず増加するため,可能な限り高速道を利用するなど最短距離で輸送し,それができない場合には,車の揺れが大きくならないような運転を心がける必要がある。}, pages = {13--19}, title = {子ヒツジの行動および生理反応に対する輸送行程の影響}, year = {2008}, yomi = {スガワラ, シズト and ウエタケ, カツジ and エグチ, ユウスケ and タナカ, トシオ} }