{"created":"2023-06-19T07:18:06.897919+00:00","id":3238,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"a5bbe6a3-1cba-430b-a660-e2e0e32481e4"},"_deposit":{"created_by":4,"id":"3238","owners":[4],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"3238"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003238","sets":["370:15:392"]},"author_link":["16309"],"item_10006_date_granted_11":{"attribute_name":"学位授与年月日","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dategranted":"2001-01-29"}]},"item_10006_degree_grantor_9":{"attribute_name":"学位授与機関","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreegrantor":[{"subitem_degreegrantor_name":"麻布大学"}]}]},"item_10006_degree_name_8":{"attribute_name":"学位名","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreename":"博士(獣医学)"}]},"item_10006_description_22":{"attribute_name":"Abstract","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"[Objective]\n For the surgical treatment of defecation disorder in the cat accompanied with the pelvic obstruction caused by an accident or a secondary hyperparathyroidism, it is clinically useful to retract the pelvic cavity by a substitutional split of pelvic symphysis without any reposition of asymmetrically agglutinated pelvic bones. In this study we carried out basic experiments for the clinical application using our designed pelvic symphysis retracting plate and the pelvic cavity retractor. Based on the results of this study, we demonstrated the usefulness of the device by clinically applying to the actual cases.\n[Background]\n The causes of defecation disorders in the cat are considered to be nervous abnormality in intestines, diet, pain, spinal disorder or a mechanical obstruction of pelvis. However, a obstruction of the pelvic cavity is believed as the primary cause. Major causes of the pelvic obstruction are an asymmetric assimilation of interiorly displaced pelvic bones due to fracture by a traffic accident, etc. or an interior displacement of pelvic cavity due to fragility of bones caused by hyperparathyroidism,etc.\n In case the interior displacement of pelvic bones is left untreated, a specific secondary mega colon is manifested in the cat. It is, therefore important to reposition asymmetrically assimilated pelvic bones, which are interiorly displaced. It is however not always manageable to reposition pelvic bones after a vicious union in a long time of period.\n\n1) Normal pelvic bones and the route of colon in the cat\n[Objective]\n For a compulsory separation of the pelvic symphysis using a pelvic retracting plate it is necessary to investigate the split of sacroiliac joint, subluxation of hip joint as well as normal pelvic cavity and its surrounding osseous pelvis, especially the shape of anterior pelvic aperture and the route of colon.\n[Materials and Methods]\n Transverse diameter and median diameter of the anterior pelvic aperture as well as the length of pelvic symphysis on pelvic radiogram and pelvis preparations of 16 cats with normal pelvic bones were measured and compared. The width between right and left iliopubic eminences is considered as the transverse diameter of anterior pelvic aperture (abbreviated as X) and the length between anterior visceral margin of the sacrum (promontory) and superior margin of symphysis pubis (sacro-pubic diameter, diameter of conjugata vera) as the median diameter of anterior pelvie aperture (abbreviated as Y). Furthermore, the length of pelvic symphysis is Z (abbreviated as Z), and those X, Y and Z on the radiogram and the bone preparations were comparatively investigated.\n[Results]\n Since the measured values on the radiogram and those actual values on the measurement of bone preparations were nearly identical, it was concluded that the evaluation of anterior pelvic aperture can be replaced by measured values on the radiogram. Based on those results X, Y and Z of the anterior pelvic aperture on the radiogram of 140 cats with normal pelvis were measured, and results showed that X was shorter than Y in all cases. The value of Z was between 26.0 and 33.0 mm (mean: 31.3 mm). The results of investigation on the shape of anterior pelvic aperture in 23 clinical cases showed that superficial contents (So) of normal anterior pelvic aperture was 0.85 x X x Y in average, and the shape of it was in ellipse close to oval. The penetrating angle of colon was nearly parallel with the straight line between the iliopubic eminence and the ischial spine.\n\n2) Experiments on the retraction of pelvic cavity in the cat.\n[Objective]\n We investigated 1) possibilities for retracting the anterior pelvic aperture by a compulsory separation of the pelvic symphysis, 2) the correlation between retraction of pelvic symphysis and retraction of anterior pelvic aperture, and 3) the ideal standard value for retracting pelvic cavity.\n[Materials and Methods]\n The pelvic symphysis of bone preparations of 15 cats with normal pelvic bones were split.\n[Results]\n The sacroiliac joint connectedly functioned as a hinge, and the fulcrum of hinge moved at 3 positions of (B→A→P). The position of fulcrum B is considered as the primary safety width, of fulcrum A as the secondary safety width. We confirmed that the safety limits is kept in the secondary safety width up to the position immediately before the transition of fulcrum to P without any trouble in split of sacroiliac joint. From those results the safe retraction value of pelvic symphysis is considered to be the range where the fulcrum of sacroiliac joint is moved from the position of A to the position immediately before P, and ideally less than 1/2 of Y of the anterior pelvic aperture in male and 2/3 in female. We, therefore established the standard value for safe retraction of sW = (1/2)Y2・・・・・1\n Based on the above results experiments are carried out to establish the standard value for retracting pelvic cavity by mean of radiogram of 140 cats with normal pelvis, bone preparations of 8 cats with normal pelvis and 2 cases of obstruction of pelvic cavity equipped with a pelvic cavity retracting plate.\n As the results, the superficial contents (S1) of anterior pelvic aperture after the expansion of pelvic symphysis was (1/2) x Y x W + So (W = Retraction value of pelvic symphysis, So=superficial contents of anterior pelvic aperture before expansion of pelvic symphysis). Moreover, if the g (the distance from promontory to iliopubic eminence) on radiogram and Y are measured in advance and the targeted retraction value of transverse diameter (w) is established, it was possible to know the targeted retraction value of (W) of the pelvic symphysis according to a formula of w/W=g/Y. Furthermore, if the transverse diameter of 30.0 mm is maintained, a constriction of pelvic cavity can completely be solved, and due to the maximal limit of retracted transverse diameter of anus of 25 mm, no further retraction is required. If Y is considered as the median diameter and X as the transverse diameter of anterior pelvic aperture for retracting the pelvic symphysis, the standard value for full retraetion(fW) will be Yo/g・(30- Xo) ・・・・・2\n\n3) Experiments regarding Experimental Obstruction of Osseous Pelvis and Encroachment of Pelvic Cavity\n[Objective]\n The obstruction of pelvic cavity was experimentally prepared by 2 methods, and its relationship with the course of defecation disorder was observed.\n[Materials and Methods]\n Total of 9 cats with normal pelvic bones were used. As one method ilium was induced to fracture, and ilium was interiorly collapsed in the pelvic cavity for preparing a obstruction of pelvic cavity. As the other method silicone was fixed inside of the pelvic cavity for preparing a encroachment of pelvic cavity.\n[Results]\n (A). If X (the transverse diameter) is less than 50% (rate of obstruction is more than 50%) of that before the obstruction or X is less than 15 mm, a defecation disorder is inevitably revealed.(B). If X is 50 ~ 100% (rate of obstruction is 50 ~ 0%) and 15 ~ 24 mm, there were two cases either with or without occurrence of defecation disorder. However. the risk of the disorder was increased, if the rate of obstruction was closed to 50% and the transverse diameter was closed to 15 mm. (C). If the anterior pelvic aperture in the cases with experimentally induced obstruetion of pelvic cavity is retracted by equipping a pelvic cavity retracting plate and X is expanded for greater than 25.0 mm, the defecation disorder was improved.\n\n4) Development of the Pelvic Cavity Retracting Plate and its related devices for the cat.\n The retractor of pelvic symphysis necessary for retracting the pelvic symphysis was prepared by remodeling the tip of retractor and the handle of Tuffier's rib retractor for opening it up to 70.0 mm. The Cloward's centrum ecarteur was remodeled by attaching a stainless metal plate of 1.0 cm square and 1.0 mm thick for inserting it into an aperture as narrow as 2.5 mm wide. A pelvic cavity retracting plate was originally developed by the author, and it is in 5 different width of 16.0, 18.0, 21.0, 25.0 and 30.0 mm, as well as in height of 25.0 ~ 31.0 mm. These pelvic cavity retracting plates are said to be the Yata's Plate, Model W16, W18, W21, W25 and W30. To small-sized cats with an anterior pelvic aperture in short median diameter or to those cats with an anterior pelvic aperture, which is difficult to expand and a narrow plate of W16 or W18 is applied. Moreover, to large-sized cats with an anterior pelvic in long median diameter or to those cases, in which a partial slit of the pelvic basis is unavoidable, a wider plate of W25 or W30 is applied. These plates are in a trapezoidal shape, and 2 each stoppers and 3 hooks are attached to both of right and left sides. There are a teardrop shaped hole in 3 positions of a plate. The plate was designed with a semicircular notch on the superior margin for protecting the urethra.\n\n5) Clinical Application of the Pelvic Cavity Retracting Plate to the cats\n[Objective]\n To apply the pelvic cavity retracting plate clinically to cases with defecation disorder caused by obstruction of pelvic cavity in the cats, and to investigate those clinical usefulness.\n[Clinieal cases]\n 14 complicated clinical cases of a severe defecation disorder with an interior displacement of pelvic bones and a obstruction of pelvic cavity as well as mega colon recognizable by palpation were used for this study. The post- operative monitoring were conducted for a long period of time. The causes for obstruction of pelvic cavity were traffic accidents, primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism, and they were 5 male and 9 female cats in age of 4 months ~ 10 years, and their body weight was between 1.2 and 6.0 kg (mean: 3.7 kg).\n[Results]\n The defecation disorder revealed, in case X of the anterior pelvic aperture is narrowed up to less than 21.0 mm,and in case X of the anterior pelvic aperture is expanded for more than 25.0 mm, the condition of defecation disorder was improved. In case the X remained 24.0 mm or less after a surgery, there were cases, which did not show improvement of defecation disorder. From those results we judged that the X of anterior pelvic aperture shall be 25.0 mm or more for improving the obstruetion of pelvic cavity, and decided to establish the standard value necessary for retraction (nW) of Yo/g・(25 - Xo)・・・・3. As the post operation course, the defecation disorder was dissolved in 14 cases (3 cases with W 16, 6 cases with W18 and 5 cases with W21) within 3 days after the surgery by a revelation of natural defecation. The straddling by the retraction of pelvic cavity was recovered within 5 days after the surgery, and the gait was also satisfactorily normalized. In once case the support for manual defecation became easier, but an unassisted defecation was nor reachable due to a case with distinct nervous disorder in this particular case. The post-operative monitoring of several cases out of 13 was carried out for a period of more than 5 years, and in all cases the progress was favorable, and no adverse reaction eaused by equipping the pelvic cavity retracting plate was observed.\n\n[Conclusion]\n In this study we initially revealed the routes of pelvic bones and colon, and experimentally confirmed that retraction of pelvic symphysis is correlated with retraetion of the anterior pelvic aperture. By applying this correlation we established the standard value for retracting the pelvic symphysis for obtaining an appropriate retraction of the anterior pelvic aperture as follows separately for male and female cats: Standard value for male cats sW=(1/2)Y2 or less ・・・ 1 (Safe retraction standard value) fW=Yo/g・(30 - Xo) ・・・ 2 (Full retraction standard value) nW=Yo/g・(25 - Xo) ・・・ 3 (Necessary retraction standard value).\n Standard value for female cats sW=(2/3)Y2 or less ・・・ 1 (Safe retraction standard value) fW=Yo/g・(30 - Xo) ・・・ 2 (Full retraction standard value) nW=Yo/g・(25 - Xo)・・・ 3 (Necessary retraction standard value).\n With reference to the above standard values of 1 ~ 3 an width (W) of the plate was selected for an application, and the width of retracting plate should be narrower than sW,wider than nW and close to rW as possible.\n Further more, the author developed the Yata's Pelvic Cavity Retracting Plates (W16, W18, W21, W25 and W30) by himself, and for equipping in them the author improved a pelvic cavity retractor and the holder for plate.\n In addition to the above the author investigate the defecation disorder by a experimentally induced obstruction of pelvic cavity, and confirmed that a defecation disorder inevitably revealed, when the transverse diameter of anterior pelvic aperture becomes less than 50%,6, i.e. if the rate of obstruction exceeds 50%.\n Based upon the above experiments, pelvic cavity retracting plates were applied to 14 clinical cases with the defecation disorder due to the obstruction of pelvic cavity according to a standard value measured of radiogram of pelvis, and excellent results were demonstrated in 13 out of 14 cases, i.e. in 93%.\n The post-operative monitoring for more than 5 years confirmed that pelvic cavity retracting plates is an excellent tool and no adverse reaction by equipping the retracting plate was observed. Therefore, it was demonstrated the superiority of this method as a surgical treatment of the obstruction of pelvic cavity in the cats.","subitem_description_type":"Other"}]},"item_10006_description_7":{"attribute_name":"抄録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"[目的]\n 事故あるいは二次性上皮小体機能亢進症に伴う骨盤狭窄に起因する猫の排便障害を外科的に治療する場合、不整癒合した骨盤骨を整復せずに、代替的に骨盤結合を離開して骨盤腔を拡幅する方法が臨床的には極めて有用である。本研究では骨盤腔を拡幅する場合に必要となる骨盤腔拡幅プレートと骨盤結合拡幅器を考案し、これを用いて臨床に応用するための基礎的な実験を行い、その成績にもとづいて実際の臨床例に応用し、その有効性を確認した。\n[背景]\n 猫の排便障害の原因は腸の神経伝達異常、食餌性、疼痛もしくは脊椎の異常か骨盤の機械的狭窄等といわれているが、その一次的原因は骨盤腔の狭窄がもっとも大きな要因と考えられている。骨盤腔狭窄の主因は、交通事故等で骨盤骨が骨折し内方に変位して不整癒合した場合、あるいは栄養性の二次性上皮小体機能亢進等による骨の脆弱化で骨盤腔が内方に変位した場合である。\n 骨盤骨の内方変位を放置すると、猫では特異的に二次性の巨大結腸症を発現する。しかも、二次性の巨大結腸症を改善する場合、内方に変位して不整癒合した骨盤骨を整復することは、必ずしも容易ではない。\n\n1)猫の正常骨盤骨ならびに結腸の走行\n [目的]骨盤腔拡幅プレートを用いて骨盤結合を強制的に離開するためには、まず、仙腸関節の離開と股関節の亜脱臼ならびに正常な骨盤腔と、それを取り囲む骨性骨盤、特に骨盤前口の形状および結腸走行について検討する必要がある。\n[材料ならびに方法]骨盤骨の正常な供試猫16頭の骨盤X線写真と同じ猫の骨盤標本を用いて、骨盤前口の横径ならびに骨盤結合の長さを測定して比較した。すなわち、左右腸恥隆起間の幅を骨盤前口の横径(以下Xと略)とし、仙骨頭側腹縁(岬角)から恥骨結合頭側縁までの長さ(仙恥骨径、真結合径)を縦径(以下Yと略)とした。さらに骨盤結合の長さをZ(以下Zと略)とし、このX,Y,Zについて、骨盤X線写真の測定値と骨標本の実測値とを比較検討した。\n[成績]X線写真の測定値と骨標本の実測値とはほぼ同値であったことから、骨盤前口の評価はX線写真の測定値で代替できるものと判断された。そこで、臨床的に骨盤の正常な猫140.例の骨盤X線写真で、骨盤前口のX,Y,Zを測定した結果、全ての猫でXはYより短かった。また、Zは26.0~33.0(平均31.3)mmであった。骨盤前口の形状について23例の臨床例で検討した結果、正常な骨盤前口の面積(S_0)は、平均で0.85×X×Yで、その形状は卵円形に近い楕円形であり、また、結腸の進入角度は腸恥隆起と座骨棘を結んだ直線とほぼ並行であった。\n\n2)猫の実験的骨盤結合拡幅に関する実験\n[目的]骨盤結合を強制的に離開することによって、骨盤前口の拡幅が可能か否か、また、骨盤結合の拡幅と骨盤前口の拡幅との相関ならびに理想的な骨盤腔拡幅の基準値について検討した。\n[成績]仙腸関節が蝶番の働きをして連動したが、蝶番となる支点の位置が3ヶ所にわたり(B→A→P)転移した。支点Bの時点を第1安全幅、支点Aの時点を第2安全幅とし、支点がPに移行する直前の第2安全幅までなら、仙腸関節の離開に問題はなく、安全域が保たれることがわかった。以上の実験結果から、骨盤結合の安全拡幅値は、仙腸関節の支点がAからPに移行する直前までで、雄では骨盤前口Yの1/2以内、雄では2/3以内を基準値とすることが理想的であると考えられ、これを安全拡幅基準値\n 雄・・・sW=(1/2)Y_2,雌・・・sW=(2/3)Y_2とした。・・・・・・(1)\n 猫の臨床例140例における正常骨盤のX線写真および骨盤骨の正常な猫8頭の骨盤標本、ならびに骨盤腔狭窄を発現した2例の骨盤腔拡幅プレート装着例で、骨盤腔拡幅の基準値設定に関する実験を行った。\n その結果、骨盤結合拡幅後の骨盤前口の面積は(S_1)=(1/2)×Y×W+S_0であった(Wは骨盤結合拡幅値、S_0は骨盤結合拡幅前の骨盤前口の面積)。また、事前にX線フィルムからg(岬角から腸恥隆起までの距離)とYを測定し、さらに横径の目標拡幅値(w)を設定すれば、w/W=g/Yの公式により、骨盤結合の目標拡幅値(W)を知る事が可能であった。さらに骨盤前口の横径が30.0mm確保されておれば,骨盤腔狭窄は完全に解消でき、また肛門の最大拡幅横径の限界(25mm)との関連から、これ以上の拡幅は必要なく、骨盤結合を拡幅する際に、骨盤前口の縦径をY、横径をXとすると、骨盤結合の十分拡幅基準値=Y_0/g・(30-X_0)となり、これを十分拡幅基準値(fW)とした。・・・・・・(2)\n\n3)猫の実験的骨性骨盤腔狭窄および骨盤腔狭窄に関する実験\n[目的]骨盤腔を実験的に2つの方法で狭窄させ、排便障害との関係を経過観察した。\n[材料および方法]骨盤骨の正常な供試猫を延べ9頭使用して、一方は腸骨を強制的に骨折させ、骨盤腔の内側に腸骨が陥入した状態で骨盤腔を狭窄させる方法であり、他方は骨盤腔の内側にシリコンを固定させて、骨盤腔を狭窄させる方法で実験を行った。\n[成績](A).X(骨盤横径)が狭窄前の50%未満(狭窄率50%以上)、またはXが15mm以下であれば、必然的に排便障害を発現する。\n(B).Xが狭窄前の50%~100%(狭窄率50~0%以下)、骨盤横径15mm~24mmであれば、排便障害を発現する場合と、発現が見られない場合とがあったが、狭窄率が50%、骨盤横径が15mmに近いほど排便障害を発現する可能性が増大した。\n(C).実験的に骨盤腔狭窄を発現させた症例に、骨盤腔拡幅プレートを装着して骨盤前口を拡幅した場合、Xを25.0mm以上に拡幅すれば、排便障害が改善された。\n\n4)猫の骨盤腔拡幅プレートおよびその関連器具の開発と術式\n 骨盤結合を拡幅する際に必要な骨盤結合拡幅器はタフィア肋骨拡幅器の開創部先端と柄の部分を改造し、骨盤結合を70.0mmまで開大可能とした。\n また、クロワード式椎体開創器の開創部先端部分に、1.0cm角で厚さ1.0mmのステンレス性金属板を取り付けて、2.5mmの狭い間隙にも挿入可能なように改造した。骨盤腔拡幅プレートは筆者が独自に開発したものであり、プレート頭側の横幅が16.0、18.0、21.0,25.0,30.0mmの5種類で、縦幅は25.0~31.0mmである。これらのプレートはW16、W18、W21、W25、W30(矢田式)と呼称することとした。骨盤前口の縦径が短い小型の猫や拡幅困難な猫には、幅の狭いW16、またはW18を使用し、縦径の長い大型の猫の場合や骨盤底の部分切除を余儀なくされた症例に対しては、幅広のW25、またはW30型プレートが使用される。このプレートは台形をなしており、プレートの左右にそれぞれ2枚のストッパーと3枚の爪、そして3ヶ所にティアードロップ型の孔が設けられている。また、頭側縁に半月状の切れ込みを入れて尿道を保護するように工夫した。\n\n5)猫の骨盤狭窄に対する骨盤腔拡幅プレートの臨床的応用\n[目的]猫の骨盤腔狭窄によって排便障害が発現した症例に対して、筆者の開発した骨盤腔拡幅プレートを臨床的に応用し、その臨床的な成果について検討した。\n[症例]重度な排便障害で、触診により骨盤骨の内方変位による骨盤腔狭窄と、巨大結腸症を合併している14例の臨床例で、術後長期にわたって観察し得た症例である。骨盤狭窄の原因は交通事故または原発性もしくは二次性の上皮小体機能亢進症の症例であり、4カ月~10歳齢の雄5例、雌9例で、体重は1.2~1.6kg(平均3.7kg)である。\n[成績]臨床例の骨盤前口Xが21.0mm以下に狭窄すると排便障害が発現し、その骨盤前口Xを骨盤腔拡幅プレートの装着術によって25.0mm以上に拡幅すると排便障害は改善されたが、術後のXが24.0mm以下の場合は、排便障害が改善されない場合もあった。このことから骨盤狭窄を改善するには、骨盤前口のXが25.0mm以上は必要であると判断し、必要拡幅基準値(nW)は、nW=Y_0/g(25-X_0)・・・・・・(3)とした。\n 術後の経過は、14症例(W16が3例,W18が6例,W21が5例)で術後3日以内に自然便通が認められ排便障害が解除された。骨盤結合拡幅による開脚も5日以内に回復して、歩様も順調に正常化した。1例で強制排便の介助が容易となったが、この症例は明らかな神経障害のみられる症例であった事から、自力排便までには至らなかった。13例の臨床例のなかには術後5年以上にわたり経過観察しているものもあるが、いずれの症例も経過は順調であり、骨盤腔拡幅プレートの装着による副反応も全く観察されていない。\n [総括]\n 本研究においては、初めに正常な猫の骨盤骨と結腸の走行を明らかにしたうえで、実験的に骨盤結合の拡幅と骨盤前口の拡幅とが相関する事を確認した。この相関を利用して適切な骨盤前口拡幅を得るための骨盤結合拡幅の基準値として雄猫と雌猫を区別して次のように設定した。\n\n雄猫の基準値\nsW=(1/2)Y_2以内・・・(1)(安全拡幅基準値)\n_W=Y_0/g・(30-X_0)・・・(2)(十分拡幅基準値)\nnW=Y_0/g・(25-X_0)・・・(3)(必要拡幅基準値)\n雌猫の基準値\nsW=(2/3)Y_2以内・・・(1)(安全拡幅基準値)\n_W=Y_0/g・(30-X_0)・・・(2)(十分拡幅基準値)\nnW=Y_0/g・(25-X_0)・・・(3)(必要拡幅基準値)\n以上の(1)~(3)の基準値を参考にして、適用される幅(W)を選択したが、その際sWより狭く、nWより大で、できるだけfWに近い幅とし、それに準じた大きさの拡幅プレートを選択した。\n また、筆者が独自に骨盤腔拡幅プレート矢田式(W16、W18、W21、W25、W30)を開発し、これを装着するための骨盤結合拡幅器、ならびにプレート把持器の改良も行った。\n ついで実験的に作成した猫の骨盤腔狭窄による排便障害を観察した結果では、骨盤前口の横経幅が50%未満すなわち狭窄率50%以上では必然的に排便障害が発現する事が確認された。\n これらの基礎的な実験を踏まえて骨盤腔狭窄によって排便障害が見られた14例の臨床例に対し、骨盤X線写真から測定した基準値に従って骨盤腔拡幅プレートを選択し、適合するプレートを装着した結果、13/14例(93%)で極めて良好な成果が得られた。\n これらの症例を最長、術後5年以上にわたって観察した結果、術後経過は極めて良好であり、拡幅プレートの装着による副反応も全く観察されないことから、本法は猫の骨盤腔狭窄に対する外科的治療法として極めて有効であることが立証された。","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"}]},"item_10006_dissertation_number_12":{"attribute_name":"学位授与番号","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dissertationnumber":"乙第386号"}]},"item_10006_version_type_18":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_ab4af688f83e57aa","subitem_version_type":"AM"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"矢田, 新平"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{"nameIdentifier":"16309","nameIdentifierScheme":"WEKO"}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2013-02-20"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"diss_dv_otsu0386.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"20.0 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