{"created":"2023-12-20T09:17:56.152792+00:00","id":2000038,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"96e28c26-9fb7-4508-ab96-950cbb3cf95a"},"_deposit":{"created_by":17,"id":"2000038","owner":"17","owners":[17],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"2000038"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:az.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000038","sets":["370:193:374"]},"author_link":[],"item_10006_date_granted_11":{"attribute_name":"学位授与年月日","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dategranted":"2023-08-31"}]},"item_10006_degree_grantor_9":{"attribute_name":"学位授与機関","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreegrantor":[{"subitem_degreegrantor_name":"麻布大学"}],"subitem_degreegrantor_identifier":[{"subitem_degreegrantor_identifier_name":"32701","subitem_degreegrantor_identifier_scheme":"kakenhi"}]}]},"item_10006_degree_name_8":{"attribute_name":"学位名","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_degreename":"博士(学術)"}]},"item_10006_description_22":{"attribute_name":"Abstract","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"Giraffes are kept in zoos around the world for conservation and education. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) encourages improving animal welfare and further states that WAZA member zoos and aquariums have a responsibility to achieve and maintain high welfare standards as environmental conservation organizations. Several studies have been conducted to improve the giraffe husbandry environment, and zoo technicians have been developing “environmental enrichment” to reduce behaviors such as oral behaviors and licking nonfood items which are common problem behaviors among captive giraffes. The main strategy of this environmental enrichment is the encouragement of species-specific behaviors. For example, it has been shown that encouraging tongue use and ruminating behavior reduces licking behavior. Additionally, American and European giraffe husbandry manuals also recommend tree feeding (browsing enrichment), which replicates the giraffe's natural diet. However, especially in winter, it is difficult to obtain tree leaves, so hay and other alternative feeds are typically fed to giraffes. Therefore, this study examines whether giraffes' oral behavior would change if evergreens were fed to them in winter as in other seasons.\n The effects of browsing enrichment on giraffe oral behavior were investigated at the Kyoto City Zoo's “Grasslands of Africa” exhibit facility. All participating giraffes were unrelated to each other and had adapted well to the captive environment of the Kyoto City Zoo. Browsing enrichment provided eight different types of trees for each season, and observations were conducted for 5 days in each of the four seasons, with three 2 h sessions recorded daily. Behavioral observation techniques were based on individual tracking sampling and instantaneous sampling at 3-min intervals. Oral behaviors were also recorded using 1/0 sampling at 1-min intervals. Observations showed no significant decrease in foraging behavior during winter. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the amount of tree feeding and foraging. However, the frequency of oral behaviors revealed a significant increase in winter. In other words, the increase in giraffe oral behavior in winter may be unrelated to the number of trees fed to them.\n To confirm the results of this observation in detail, another observation was conducted at the same facility. First, the focus was ambient temperature effects. Giraffes are ruminants and rumination is a heat-generating activity within the body, Cattle, which are also ruminants, have been reported to decrease their activity, especially in hot environments. This factor should be considered when implementing browsing enrichment for giraffes. Therefore, in Chapter 2, the effects of ambient temperature on giraffe foraging behavior and the effects of browsing enrichment are examined. The expression of oral behavior was employed as the effect of browsing enrichment and was recorded with 1/0 sampling at 1-min intervals. The Temperature Humidity Index (THI) was employed as a measure of ambient temperature. Previous studies on cows have reported increased juvenile animal disease rates at THI of <50 and decreased activity and milk production of >70. In this study, behaviors were first classified into two broad categories, “active” and “inactive,” and their correlation with THI was examined. Next, a comparison of the incidence of behaviors using three criteria: THI < 60, 60 ≤ THI < 80, and THI ≥ 80 was conducted. The location of observation was the same as in Chapter 1, but one observed individual was different. The observation period was divided into two periods, before and after defoliation, each lasting 22 days. Observations indicated that as THI increased among all giraffes, active behaviors decreased and inactive behaviors increased. In some giraffes, foraging behavior was significantly reduced when THI exceeded 80. On the other hand, some giraffes showed a negative correlation of foraging behavior along with a decrease in THI. When comparing behavior by THI category, some giraffes showed a significant decrease in foraging behavior when THI exceeded 80.This indicates that captive giraffes may be affected in their activities by heat and browsing enrichment in hot environments may be less effective. In contrast, when THI fell to <60, some individuals showed a significant increase in oral behavior. In particular, landscape trees were already defoliated when THI was <60, and foraging on the leaves of landscape trees over the fence may have reduced the expression of oral behaviors.\n In Chapter 3, we investigated the changes in the oral behavior of giraffes associated with the defoliation of landscape trees, using the same facility and same individuals observed. Zoos are educational facilities that set up exhibit environments mimicking nature, for conservation education. The plantings' presence are anticipated to affect animals behavior, but few studies have focused on this aspect. Therefore, to investigate the behavior of giraffes and influence of surrounding landscape trees on them, we conducted observations for 12 d, before and after defoliation. Additionally, we examined behavioral records by instantaneous sampling at 1-min intervals. We also recorded tree foraging and oral behaviors by 1–0 sampling at 1-minute intervals. The results showed that landscape tree foraging behavior significantly decreased after defoliation in two among the three animals monitored. Regarding oral behaviors, wood-biting behavior showed a significant negative correlation with landscape tree foraging. Similarly, the tendency to forage for other foods, such as hay, increased. In other words, landscape tree foraging was thought to be partly responsible for the giraffe's foraging behavior, possibly correcting its oral behavior. However, licking behavior was not correlated with landscape tree foraging behavior, suggesting the influence of other factors.\n Next, the foraging value of nonleaf parts in giraffe tree feeding was evaluated. One important goal of environmental enrichment is to encourage the expression of species-specific behaviors and wild giraffes have been observed foraging for tree bark. Although leaf foraging is often the focus of giraffe foraging, it is important to evaluate the value of using twigs and bark for foraging to encourage the expression of species-specific behaviors, especially during seasons when trees are leafless. Therefore, detailed observations of foraging behavior were made in captive giraffes. Three giraffes were also observed, but one of the individuals observed differed from the previous research. Tree foraging behavior was divided into two categories: landscape trees and feeding trees, and the foraging sites of feeding trees were further classified into three types (leaves, twigs, and bark). Tree species were recorded simultaneously. The instantaneous sampling interval for behavior was changed to 1 min, and oral behavior and tree foraging behavior were recorded simultaneously at 1-min intervals (1/0 sampling). The observation period was divided into pre deciduous (May–August) and post deciduous (October–February) periods of 17 days, respectively. No significant changes in the expression rate of foraging behavior were observed. However, there was a significant decrease in the foraging of landscape trees after defoliation. In contrast, foraging of alternative foods such as hay increased significantly, as well as the frequency of foraging tree twigs and bark. This indicates that twigs and bark may have the same foraging value for giraffes as alternative foods such as hay. The degree of bark foraging by giraffes also varied by tree species. This suggests that a preference for specific bark exists among these giraffes. Additionally, giraffe foraging behavior tended to increase in trees which giraffes forage for bark. This suggests that providing giraffes with tree species suitable for bark-eating may be effective in promoting the development of species-specific behaviors in giraffes and improving their winter foraging environment.\n These observations indicated that some measures should be taken to care for the giraffes, especially in winter. Previous studies in cattle have shown that providing warm drinking water in winter prevents a decrease in rumen temperature and body temperature. Therefore, in Chapter 6 the same facility was used as in Chapter 3, with warm water installed in the winter and behavioral changes examined in the same animals. Control and warm water installation periods were alternated and the warm water was maintained at approximately 37 °C. The water temperature was adjusted by adding warm water at 9:00 and 13:00 daily. The volume of drinking water for the giraffes was calculated from the final remaining volume and the warm water supply. Drinking behavior was recorded at 1-min intervals with 1/0 sampling, and the location of drinking was recorded simultaneously. Behavioral observations showed that the installation of warm water increased the number of times the giraffes drank water, decreased the number of times they drank cold water, and increased their drinking behavior immediately after the warm water was provided. The total amount of water consumed by the three giraffes during the 7 h exhibit was 69.16 ± 9.54 L. This amount of drinking water was greater than in previous studies. In other words, the results suggest that these giraffes preferred warm water. Furthermore, some of the individuals we observed showed a significant decrease in licking behavior among their oral behaviors. In other words, the installation of warm water improved the giraffes' drinking environment in winter and reduced the stress caused by the cold temperatures.\n This study determined the foraging value of no leafy tree parts for browsing enrichment, confirmed the existence of a preference for bark, and identified the influence of THI on giraffe activity, the effect of landscape tree foraging on the expression of species-specific behaviors, and a preference for warm water. However, as the population studied in this study consisted of only three individuals, it is difficult to extrapolate these findings to the entire species. However, these findings contribute to the improvement of the giraffe husbandry environment, and we hope that continued research will further contribute to improving the welfare of giraffes in captivity."}]},"item_10006_description_7":{"attribute_name":"抄録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"キリンは保全および教育を目的に世界中の動物園で飼育されている。世界動物園水族館協会(WAZA)は、動物福祉の向上は推奨される活動であり、会員となる動物園水族館は環境保全機関としての目標を掲げる中で、高い福祉水準を達成する責任があるとする。キリンの飼育環境の向上はこれまで複数の先行研究が行われてきた。特に、非食物を舐める行動を始めとする口腔行動(Oral stereotypy/behavior)は、飼育下のキリンで発現頻度の高い問題行動であり、それを減らすための取り組み「環境エンリッチメント」が動物園技術者の手によって行われている。主たる戦略は、種本来の行動を促すことで、その発現を是正する方策がとられている。例えば、舌を動かす行動や反芻行動を促すことで、舐める行動などが減少することが明らかとなっている。一方で、アメリカやヨーロッパのキリン飼育マニュアルでは、本来のキリンの食物である、樹木の給餌(樹木採食エンリッチメント)も推奨されている。しかし、特に冬季は落葉に伴い、樹木の入手が困難となるため、乾草などの代替品の給餌が行われる。\n そこで、第1章では、まず常緑樹を他の季節と同様に、冬季に給餌した場合に、キリンの口腔行動に変化が出るのかを調査した。冬季の樹木採食エンリッチメントの効果を調査するに当たり、観察対象としたのは京都市動物園の展示施設「アフリカの草原」で飼育されるキリン3頭である。いずれのキリンも非血縁であり、京都市動物園の飼育環境に順応していた。樹木採食エンリッチメントには8種類の樹木を与え、季節ごとに与えられる樹木は異なった。4つの季節ごとに5日間ずつ観察を行い、各日2時間3セッションの記録を行った。行動観察手法は、個体追跡サンプリングの基、3分間隔の瞬間サンプリングを用いた。また、口腔行動については1分間隔の1/0サンプリングを用いて記録を行った。観察の結果、冬季に採食行動に有意な減少は見られなかった。同様に樹木の給餌量と採食量に有意な差は見られなかった。しかし、口腔行動の発現頻度は冬季に有意に増加する結果となった。つまり、冬季における口腔行動の増加は、樹木の給餌量以外の要因である可能性が考えられた。\nこの事象を詳細に検証するため、再度観察を同施設で行った。まず、対象としたのは周辺の環境温度とキリンの行動変化である。キリンは反芻動物である。反芻活動は体内に熱を発生させる活動であるため、同じく反芻動物であるウシでは、特に暑熱環境において活動性が減少すると報告がある。キリンの樹木採食エンリッチメントを実施する中で、それらを配慮する必要はないだろうか。\n そこで、第2章では周辺の環境温度とキリンの採食行動への影響を調査した。周辺の環境温度の指標として採用したのは、温湿度指数: Temperature-Humidity Index(THI)である。この指標は相対温度と相対湿度から算出されるもので、夏は高くなり、冬は低下する数値である。ウシを対象とした先行研究では、50以下で幼獣の疾病率の上昇、70以上で活動性や乳生産量が減少することが報告されている。本研究ではまず、行動を「活動」と「非活動」の2種類に大別した上で、THIとの相関関係を調査し、さらにTHI < 60、60 ≦ THI < 80、THI ≧ 80の3つの基準で行動発現割合の比較を試みた。観察期間は、落葉前と落葉後の2つの期間に分け、22日間ずつ行った。観察場所は、第2章と同様であったが、観察個体は1個体異なった。観察の結果、全てのキリンがTHIの上昇とともに活動の行動が減少し、非活動の行動が増加する結果となった。一方で、THIの低下と共に、採食行動が負の相関を示すものが見られた。温湿度指数区分ごとで行動を比較すると、一部のキリンではTHIが80を超えると、採食行動が有意に減少した。つまり、飼育下のキリンは暑熱により活動が影響を受けている可能性が考えられ、暑熱環境での樹木採食エンリッチメントはあまり効果的でない可能性が考えられた。THIが60を下回ると、口腔行動が有意に増加する個体が存在した。特にTHIが60以下の状況では、すでに景観樹は落葉しており、飼料内容の変化が口腔行動に影響を与えている可能性が考えられた。\n 続く第3章では、同施設および同観察個体を用いて、景観樹の落葉と口腔行動の変化について調査を行った。動物園は教育施設であり、保全教育を目的に自然を模した展示環境を設定することがある。これらの植栽の存在は飼育する動物の行動に影響を与えるはずだが、それに着目した先行研究はあまりない。そこで、キリンとその周辺に植えられた景観樹の影響を調査するため、落葉前後で12日間ずつの観察を行った。1分間隔の瞬間サンプリングによる行動記録と共に、1分間隔による1-0サンプリングにより樹木の採食行動と口腔行動を記録した。その結果、3頭中2頭で落葉以降では景観樹の採食行動が有意に減少し、また口腔行動のうち木かじり行動が景観樹の採食行動と有意に負の相関関係を示した。この変化と同様に、乾草などのその他の餌の採食行動が増加する結果となった。つまり、景観樹の存在はキリンの採食行動を担う一端となっており、口腔行動を是正している可能性が考えられた。一方で、舐める行動は景観樹の採食行動とは相関関係は観察されず、別の要因が影響している可能性が考えられた。\n そして、第4章では第3章で着目した景観樹の変化に伴う、樹木給餌における非葉部位の採食価値の評価を行った。環境エンリッチメントの実施に当たり、種本来の行動発現を促すことは、重要な目的の一つであり、野生のキリンは樹皮も採食することが明らかとなっている。キリンの採食において、樹葉の採食が着目されることが多いが、種本来の行動発現を促す点では、小枝や樹皮の採食利用価値を評価することが、特に葉の無い時期の、種本来の行動発現を促す際に重要と考えられる。そこで、飼育下のキリンにおける採食行動の詳細な観察を行った。樹木の採食行動を景観樹と給餌樹木の2種類に分け、さらに給餌樹木の採食部位を葉・小枝・樹皮の3種類に分類し、樹種も同時に記録した。また、行動の瞬間サンプリング間隔も1分間隔に変更し、口腔行動に合わせて樹木の採食行動も同時に1分間隔で記録を行った。観察期間は、落葉前(5-8月)と落葉後(10-2月)に分割し、それぞれ17日間ずつの観察を行った。観察の結果、全体の採食行動には有意な変化は見られなかった。しかし、落葉後は景観樹の採食行動が有意に減少していることが明らかとなった。一方で、乾草などの代替餌の採食行動が有意に増加し、また給餌された樹木の小枝や樹皮の採食頻度も有意に増加する結果となった。つまり、小枝や樹皮に、乾草などの代替餌と同等のキリンの採食行動を引き出す可能性が示された。また、樹皮の採食度合いには樹種間で差が見られた。つまり、キリンは樹皮に対し選好性を持つ可能性が考えられた。さらに、キリンが樹皮を採食する樹種の採食行動は増加する傾向にあった。つまり、キリンが選好性を持つ樹種を給餌することは、キリンの種本来の行動発現の促進に有効であり、冬季の採食環境の改善に有効であると考えられた。\n これらの観察結果を通じて、特に冬季においてキリンへの寒冷によるストレスに何らかの方策が必要であると考えられた。ウシの先行研究では、冬季に温水を飲料水として供給することで胃内温度や体温の低下を防ぐことが知られている。そこで、第5章では、第2章と同施設同個体を対象に、冬季に温水を設置し、その行動変化を調査した。コントロール期間と温水設置期間を交互に設定し、観察条件を調整した結果、コントロール期間、温水期間共に9日間を統計解析の対象とした。温水は約37℃に調整し、9:00頃と13:00頃に温水を追加し、水温を調整した。また、最終的な残量と温水給与量から飲水量を算出した。飲水行動は1分間隔の1/0サンプリングを用いて記録し、同時に飲水場所も記録した。行動観察の結果、キリンには温水設置により、飲水回数の増加、冷水の飲水回数の減少、温水給与直後の時間帯の飲水行動の増加が見られた。飲水量は、放飼時間7時間において3頭合計で69.16±9.54Lであった。この飲水量は過去の先行研究よりも多い結果であった。つまり、キリンが温水に選好性を持つ可能性が考えられた。さらに、観察した個体の中には口腔行動のうち、舐める行動が有意に減少した個体もいた。つまり、温水を設置することで、冬季におけるキリンの飲水環境を改善することができ、また寒冷によるストレスを軽減することができたと考えられた。\n 本研究を通じて、キリンの口腔行動の要因の示唆と温水給与による寒冷ストレスの軽減効果を明らかにすることができた。ただし、本研究で対象とした個体数はいずれも3頭であり、キリン全体へ外挿することは難しいかもしれない。しかし、これらの知見はキリンの飼育環境の改善に寄与できる知見であり、今後継続的な研究により、飼育下のキリンの福祉の向上に貢献できると考えられる。"}]},"item_10006_dissertation_number_12":{"attribute_name":"学位授与番号","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_dissertationnumber":"乙第9号"}]},"item_10006_identifier_registration":{"attribute_name":"ID登録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_identifier_reg_text":"10.14944/0002000038","subitem_identifier_reg_type":"JaLC"}]},"item_10006_textarea_23":{"attribute_name":"Rights","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_textarea_value":"本論文の一部は以下に公表した(Part of this dissertation has been published as follows. )\n1.\t岡部光太・福泉洋樹・河村あゆみ・加瀬ちひろ・植竹勝治. 日本在来樹木の樹皮に対するキリンの選好性と採食行動の発現量の検討. Anim. Behav. Manage. 59: 1-7, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10. 20652/jabm.59.1_1\n2.\tOkabe, K., H. Fukuizumi, A. Kawamura, M. Matsunaga, C. Kase, and K. Uetake. Giraffes like it hot? -Research on drinking behavior in response to warm water supply of giraffes in a cold environment. J. Zoo Aquar. Res. 10: 188-193, 2022. \nhttps://jzar.org/jzar/article/download/669/432\n3.\tOkabe, K., H. Fukuizumi, A. Kawamura, C. Kase, and K. Uetake. An investigation of browsing enrichment, especially non-leaf foraging, on giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) at Kyoto City Zoo in Japan. Zoo Biol., 42: 157-16, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21726\n4.\tOkabe, K., H. Fukuizumi, A. Kawamura, C. Kase, and K. Uetake. Effects of browsing enrichment associated with the temperature-humidity index and landscaping trees in giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata). J. Therm. Biol., 104: 103190, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2022.103190\n5.\tOkabe, K., A. Kawamura, H. Fukuizumi, K. Ishiuchi, and C. Kase. Does oral stereotypy in captive giraffes decrease by feeding them evergreens and barks in winter? Anim. Behav. Manage., 55: 165-173, 2019."}]},"item_10006_version_type_18":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85","subitem_version_type":"VoR"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"岡部, 光太"}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_access","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2023-12-20"}],"filename":"diss_da_otsu0009.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"4 MB"}],"format":"application/pdf","url":{"url":"https://az.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/2000038/files/diss_da_otsu0009.pdf"},"version_id":"3e23a2fe-1135-4e7c-96a3-44743159e183"},{"accessrole":"open_access","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2023-12-20"}],"filename":"diss_dv_otsu0009_jab&rev.pdf.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"198 KB"}],"format":"application/pdf","url":{"url":"https://az.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/2000038/files/diss_dv_otsu0009_jab&rev.pdf.pdf"},"version_id":"2ef1b0c1-f580-4bfd-b43f-c2ce83ea8896"}]},"item_language":{"attribute_name":"言語","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_language":"jpn"}]},"item_resource_type":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"resourcetype":"doctoral thesis","resourceuri":"http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_db06"}]},"item_title":"飼育下のキリン(Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)に対する環境エンリッチメントに関する行動学的研究-特に採食エンリッチメントに焦点を当てて-","item_titles":{"attribute_name":"タイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_title":"飼育下のキリン(Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)に対する環境エンリッチメントに関する行動学的研究-特に採食エンリッチメントに焦点を当てて-","subitem_title_language":"ja"},{"subitem_title":"Behavioral Studies on Environmental Enrichment in Captive Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)-Focusing on foraging enrichment-","subitem_title_language":"en"}]},"item_type_id":"10006","owner":"17","path":["374"],"pubdate":{"attribute_name":"PubDate","attribute_value":"2023-12-20"},"publish_date":"2023-12-20","publish_status":"0","recid":"2000038","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["飼育下のキリン(Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata)に対する環境エンリッチメントに関する行動学的研究-特に採食エンリッチメントに焦点を当てて-"],"weko_creator_id":"17","weko_shared_id":-1},"updated":"2023-12-20T09:27:44.502020+00:00"}